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Zoho Invoice

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If you have an idea for a new feature that you want to see in Zoho Invoice, then you've reached the right place.

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1150 results found

  1. credit card surcharge

    Add feature so you can automatically add a credit card surcharge if that payment option is followed.

    633 votes
    58 comments  ·  Invoices  ·  Admin →
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  2. Merge invoice

    Hi Zoho Invoice is great invoicing app, but if you could add the feature where we can merge multiple invoices together for the same customer, it would be awesome. For customer who have multiple invoices open with us it is aggravating to keep on receiving different invoices and they have complained multiple times, we have tried sending them a statement but they are not happy with that since it shows totals but no explanation of the invoices.

    411 votes
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  3. email tracking

    Currently there is not a way to keep track of emails that have been sent, aside from copying yourself to the email.

    Sometimes I need to follow-up with clients who have not paid in over 30 days, and if I did not cc myself then I do not have a copy of the original email.

    I would like to see a copy of my email just incase I need to refer back to it.

    I know the CRM integrates with Zoho Mail, so something similar to that would work.

    287 votes
    Planned  ·  17 comments  ·  Integrations  ·  Admin →
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  4. 253 votes
    21 comments  ·  Payments  ·  Admin →
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  5. Integrate with Payment Provider that Accepts BitCoin

    Integrate with either CoinBase or BitPay

    247 votes
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  6. Integrate with Payoneer

    Payoneer has very less charges as compared to Paypal and very beneficial for doing business with international clients. We get a International bank account which will enable us to keep funds in foreign account until we need them in India. Depending on exchange rate or tax schedules we can bring in funds to maximise returns. Very useful feature. Paypal charges upto 8% for foreign currency payments. Payoneer charges less than 2%

    241 votes
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  7. sub item in invoice and estimation

    Adding a feature which allows sub items to be added to the invoice will further enhance zoho invoice.

    This feature is very helpful for business which sells goods for example same work table but with different sizes, doors, photo frames etc.

    223 votes
    12 comments  ·  Invoices  ·  Admin →
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  8. Progressive Billing

    Bill clients when a percentage of a project is considered as completed.

    209 votes
    21 comments  ·  Projects  ·  Admin →
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  9. Deposit Invoice & Multiple Invoices

    One project can have a payment schedule with 4 separate payments:
    1 - Deposit
    2 - 25%
    3 - 15%
    4 - 10%

    Most clients require separate invoices for each payment. At the moment you can't do a single invoice total with 4 different invoices that are tied to that invoice total.

    191 votes
    10 comments  ·  Invoices  ·  Admin →
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  10. 179 votes
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  11. Record timesheets in days instead of hours

    This feature will help in creating timesheets as days/month and set a rate/day.

    177 votes
    15 comments  ·  Projects  ·  Admin →
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  12. 152 votes
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  13. We can have an option of categorizing items based on some criterias.

    A customer has 25000 products, he needs to categorize them by category, sub-category and product.

    140 votes
    8 comments  ·  Items  ·  Admin →
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  14. Subtotal for group of items

    This feature will enable the customer to have subtotals for a particular group of items in the Invoice.

    128 votes
    11 comments  ·  Invoices  ·  Admin →
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  15. multiple overdue invoices statement

    If there are multiple overdue invoices for a single customer, instead of sending multiple reminders for theses invoices it would be better if an automatic statement is sent which lists all the unpaid invoices, their statuses and the respective due dates.

    128 votes
    5 comments  ·  Invoices  ·  Admin →
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    Hello everyone,

    As a first step towards meeting this requirement, we’ve provided the option to attach the list of unpaid invoices and send it to your customers. It will be available while choosing to email the customer statement.

    You can take a look at this help document to know the steps:
    (Refer “Send list of unpaid Invoices”)

    Earlier, the customer statement cannot be customized to filter a specific set of invoices and we believe this enhancement of sending the list of unpaid invoices alone would serve as a workaround :)

    We’ll keep you posted on any further progress on this.


  16. more invoice auto numbering options must be implemented for same organization

    we have 2 diferent kind of clients and services and they are marked with different simbol at invoice numbering (1-1-001 is one and 1-2-001 is secound). We would like thoose invoices to be separated for easier accunting laters ...

    125 votes
    6 comments  ·  Invoices  ·  Admin →
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  17. 118 votes
    11 comments  ·  Items  ·  Admin →
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    Dear customers,

    Thanks for your feedback.

    Though there is no direct ‘bulk update’ option as such for items, there is a workaround that serves exactly this purpose.

    You can export all the items to a CSV/XLS file in one shot, make the necessary changes and import the file again. While re-importing them, you have the option to ‘overwrite’ existing records based on the data in the file you are importing.

    Here is the best part: Earlier, you could overwrite the items only based on the ‘Item Name’. Since it’s possible that the item name itself needs a bulk update, we have supported two more options – in addition to ‘Item Name’, you can now overwrite the existing records with the ‘SKU’ or the ‘Item ID’ as the base field for identification.

    If you have any questions on this, feel free to drop an email to

  18. Optional Items in Estimates, Allowing customer to select item he needs

    An estimate with multiple variety items can be submitted to customers. The customer must be able to select the items he needs( allowing the customer to select items and quantity) and accept the estimate.

    103 votes
    13 comments  ·  Estimates  ·  Admin →
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  19. Client Portal Ordering

    Allow customers to log in to the Client Portal to place an order (basically create their own invoice). This would send a notification of the order request that could be accepted by the company and then fulfilled.

    As an example, I use Zoho Invoice for my consumer products company to sell wholesale to retailers & distributors. It would be great if they could use the portal to make reorders of the items they are selling through.

    99 votes
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  20. Set hourly rate for a client

    Different clients offer different rates for services and hence an hourly rate per client helps to invoice easily.

    90 votes
    6 comments  ·  Projects  ·  Admin →
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