Integrate with Payoneer
Payoneer has very less charges as compared to Paypal and very beneficial for doing business with international clients. We get a International bank account which will enable us to keep funds in foreign account until we need them in India. Depending on exchange rate or tax schedules we can bring in funds to maximise returns. Very useful feature. Paypal charges upto 8% for foreign currency payments. Payoneer charges less than 2%
Anel Korsten commented
In South Africa, we have limited payment gateway options and I refuse to use Paypal due to their high rates. We also use Payoneer as a solution to receive intl money from clients. This integration would be awesome. If 2 Checkout can do it I am sure there is a way you can too.
braudin commented
Solo otro freelance que pide que integren payoner a sus pasarelas de pago, Gracias
Waqar Hussain commented
Is there any word on this integration?
Hercules IT commented
Payoneer is needed. When will it be added?
Israel Araujo - AKHI commented
Payoneer + Zoho Invoice, please..... Much people migrating from Paypal para o Payoneer.
Tyler commented
Just another voice asking for Payoneer integration. Montenegro is attracting so many digital nomads yet it doesn't accept PayPal. I love Zoho Invoice, but it's becoming a problem with my clients to receive a workaround with Transferwise to send payment and I need to start looking at other options.
Janet commented
The whole of Pakistan, the country in this region that has even more freelancers than India, does NOT currently have access to PayPal and many use Payoneer instead to get paid by foreign clients.
As you're now hoping to absorb all non-U.S. Wave users from this region (and others) into your platform, adding Payoneer integration should be a TOP priority. It honestly would be the only reason I go with a paid Zoho plan after the forced switch! Otherwise, all comparisons considered, I'll probably just grab some random $50 invoicing software from Appsumo or StackSocial soon.
Anonymous commented
Please have this integrated, payoneer is best among other competitors, and their conversation rate is also good. Lots of freelancer and small business use it for overseas payment, please have it integrated.
Yadnyesh Kuvalekar commented
This is most needed thing. I don't find any good payment integration from Zoho form international currency invoices.
Anonymous commented
Definitely Need this integration!
Samiru commented
Looks like everyone need it. since 2017. but zoho
Jean Rumeau commented
I'm still waitng for this feature
Tyler commented
This would solve a HUGE problem in countries that don't have PayPal integration into their local banks (like Montenegro for example). This would be a great service. +1
Anonymous commented
+3! This is a needed integration indeed.
braudin commented
Integren payoner
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
any update on this @zoho