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Zoho Expense

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693 results found

  1. Customize the Expense Report

    Provide users with the ability to customize the expense report itself so that the organization of the data can be manipulated to support Summary and Tabular formats with customized placement (inclusion/exclusion) of columns and fields.

    174 votes
    4 comments  ·  Expense  ·  Admin →
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  2. Provide Options for Zoho Expense transaction posting into Zoho Books

    Currently the Zoho Expense's expense date is used as the transaction posting date in Zoho Books. We need to know when the expense occurred yet allow for the amount to posted in the Zoho Books' account based on an alternative date. The date might be the approval date or could be a date input by the approver. Current issue is we have to close out and lock transactions the prior month on the 1st of the month, but not all expenses are submitted and processed by then.

    119 votes
    6 comments  ·  Integration  ·  Admin →
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  3. Make multiple KM / MILAGE expenses in the same note:


    It would be great if we could add multiple milage expenses in the same expense and be able to see a hole day google itinerary map...

    99 votes
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  4. Mileage options "Using GPS"

    1º Would be nice if the map route as there is today on GPS Tracking goes like attach by default.

    2º Add option to set destination "Star at and End at"

    3º Notification in the notification bar if GPS Tracking is on to not forget.

    84 votes
    Planned  ·  6 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
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  5. Choosing the currency to show the expense report total.

    Choose the currency in which you need to see the expense report's total. If the client's currency is different from the base currency of the organization, then this report should be sent to the client in his currency, not the base currency of the organization.

    This would be helpful if an employee needs reimbursement in a different currency.

    72 votes
    2 comments  ·  Reports  ·  Admin →
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    We have ‘Reimbursement Currency’ feature for the global edition organizations in Zoho Expense. Using this feature, Policies can be associated with a currency.

    The users in the policy will have the policy currency as their base currency. The Reimbursable amounts for the expense reports created by that user will be calculated in that Policy Currency.

    Feel free to write to support[@]zohoexpense[dot]com for any further assistance.

    Zoho Expense Team

  6. Receipt Compression

    Need to have a utility or automatically compress the physical size of the receipts and files. When customers require copy of receipts I see these files are to large to email to clients. Most email systems will only allow up to 10MB of data attached to email. I'm seeing file sizes over 100MB which is not acceptable. This also greatly increases the storage of these records. I have run external compression tools like Small PDF or Adobe compression and seen files size reductions of over 90%.

    72 votes
    4 comments  ·  Receipts  ·  Admin →
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  7. Electronical signature.

    Our accounting office demand personal signatures on reports.
    Users should be able to upload a picture of their signature that would appear in the PDF reports together with the name of the submitter and approver as it is today.

    64 votes
    1 comment  ·  Reports  ·  Admin →
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  8. Integrate as an addon in Zoho Projects

    In Zoho Projects, we have the option to assign weekly hours I each project/task. In our consulting firm, we also allow our consultants to claim expenses during this week incurred in the project/task.

    61 votes
    3 comments  ·  Integration  ·  Admin →
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  9. Mileage - Google Maps From and To - Web

    Option to add an mileage expense using the route from google maps (after entering from and to addresses, and number of travels (one or round trip)

    60 votes
    4 comments  ·  Expense  ·  Admin →
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  10. 56 votes
    7 comments  ·  Reports  ·  Admin →
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  11. Ability to add non-user attendees.

    Please allow for the addition of non-user attendees in the attendee expense field. Most business meetings and expenses are with non-user members.

    41 votes
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  12. 41 votes
    0 comments  ·  Integration  ·  Admin →
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    Zoho Expense – QuickBooks Desktop integration is available for early access for all the US edition organizations. Kindly go to ‘Admin’ > ‘Integrations’ > ‘QuickBooks Desktop’ to request early access for this feature.

    If you have any questions, kindly drop an email to

    Zoho Expense

  13. Create a way to enter automatic Reoccuring Expenses (ie: staff lunch $35 - every week for the forseeable future)

    Create a way to enter automatic Reoccuring Expenses (ie: staff lunch $35 - every week for the forseeable future)

    39 votes
    4 comments  ·  Expense  ·  Admin →
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  14. Adjust orientation of scanned receipts

    The scanner obviously does this itself so why not resave the image so it is presented the right way. Or allow the image to be rotated once scanned.

    34 votes
    3 comments  ·  Receipts  ·  Admin →
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  15. Admin user converting corporate card transactions of other users to create expenses

    The transactions has to be removed from the user's account since the admin has converted them to expense and reported it.

    34 votes
    0 comments  ·  Expense  ·  Admin →
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  16. Highlight "Total Expense Amount" as opposed to "Amount to be Reimbursed" in reports

    We have consultants creating dozens (if not hundreds) of expenses to be sent to customers on a monthly basis.
    Most of these expenses are paid with their company's credit card but some aren't, so both Total Expense Amount and Amount to be Reimbursed are very important as the total will be sent to the customer and the Amount to be reimbursed is what the employee/consultant is claiming.
    Why do we only have the option to put "Amount to be reimbursed" in the header of the expense report?
    Customers are getting confused when we sent these reports and complain that the…

    30 votes
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  17. Automatically assign a tax code to an expense based upon category and country

    This will help avoid errors in expense entries when you have to record VAT - many end users in many cases do not know which code to use and some receipts don't show VAT amount or percentage.
    Assignments should be customizable. Ideally, VAT codes mappings would come pre-defined.

    30 votes
    0 comments  ·  Expense  ·  Admin →
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  18. Partial reimbursement

    You should have the option of make a partial reimbursement to employees in different dates and from different accounts, even if it's the same expense report.

    26 votes
    3 comments  ·  Expense  ·  Admin →
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  19. Zoho Expense API

    Exposing Zoho Expense API to allow the creation of receipts from the API.

    26 votes
    0 comments  ·  Integration  ·  Admin →
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  20. Customizable view for Expenses and Reports

    Allow the Expenses View and the Reports View to be more customizable, meaning let the users remove or add columns to view so that they can more effectively sort and filter while adding/editing expenses and reports.

    24 votes
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