Ability to add non-user attendees.
Please allow for the addition of non-user attendees in the attendee expense field. Most business meetings and expenses are with non-user members.

Anonymous commented
I had this same need, but I "worked around it" by disabling the Attendees field and then adding my own "Attendees" field with a text box instead of user drop down menu. Works great! :)
RJ commented
This is now released at least i can access but i do have a comment if i select a customer for the expense the listing of non users should have the company contacts first then the rest of the people since i most likely would have a person from that company there. just saying you can modify the SQL to prioritize the company people first or add another drop down Users, Company, and Other. Company being the new one with just people from the Account selected.
cengiz commented
We're using a Custom Field for this
RJ commented
In US to claim a receipt you have to list attendees and have a business purpose, and if it is entertainment it is a different tax category. So having ability is must if you are using this for write offs so you don't get hit in audit. Also we should keep hard copies anyways.
Anonymous commented
One off attendees are a must. Even being able to add companies and contacts on the fly would be tedious and unnecessary.
Martin Trossing commented
This, or add ability to register attendees from different customers.