Receipt Compression
Need to have a utility or automatically compress the physical size of the receipts and files. When customers require copy of receipts I see these files are to large to email to clients. Most email systems will only allow up to 10MB of data attached to email. I'm seeing file sizes over 100MB which is not acceptable. This also greatly increases the storage of these records. I have run external compression tools like Small PDF or Adobe compression and seen files size reductions of over 90%.

Ryan Partin commented
Simply put, integrate technology like what is involved with iPhone scanner applications. Users can be pretty boneheaded often. They also don't all have the same understanding for technology. The software should make things super simple for them; idiot proof. You guys already have some great OCR tech going on in the receipt scanning, but you aren't using it to assist with receipt image adjustments. Users upload all kinds of crazy crap, from images that are 90% desktop and 10% receipt, to blurry and unreadable, to skewed (off-angle) images, to super large 100MB+ image files. They simply don't understand enough of the tech involved to take a picture, crop it, reduce it down in size, rotate it slightly (or 90 degrees), lighten/darken, etc. They should know how to do this, as I believe pretty much all current smartphones include image editing in the OS of the phone. Users just don't know it's there or how to access it in a lot of cases. The typical user seems to be talented enough to take a picture and somehow get it into Zoho Expense, but that's about it. How about you guys use your OCR tech and software building skills to adjust receipt images, straighten them up, detect when they are fuzzy or out of focus and reject them, compress them, etc. It would also be super helpful if you would add some elementary annotation creation ability, like drawing boxes around charges, names and dates on the receipt to aid the reviewer in quickly finding the relevant information. We do this manually prior to uploading our direct-bill receipts. Our customers have requested that we annotate the receipts to make charges easier to identify. Would be great to see even some of this implemented. As is currently, we spend a lot of time coaching our users on proper expense image editing/uploading.
Emma commented
I'd also like to see the receipt images compressed. The file sizes are huge.
Taylor commented
Seems like most cutting edge receipt capture apps are auto-detecting the receipt shape (even if the camera angle isn't direct) then auto-cropping to just the receipt, auto-aligning to a standard rectangle, auto-compressing with an appropriate filter to also make the lettering clear. This must be happening in the background of the Zoho Expense "Auto Scan" in order to successfully do the OCR. Why can't we use those same functions to reduce the file size?!! It's clear the receipt file size can slow the mobile and web app to a crawl and it's painfully obvious when I look through reports as an approver and I have to wait for each receipt to load, check it, load the next one, etc. Could probably fix via clever caching as well, but compression seems like the obvious place to start since it must already be happening in the background!
Bruno commented
Agreed. Additionally, I see that we have limited storage space with the regular subscription - kind of a waste to use ~ 5MB per receipt (full res photo on iphone) when really it should be at most 200KB for a typical b&w credit card slip.