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Zoho Subscriptions

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53 results found

  1. Custom payment gateways

    If you allow us to point to the gatway endpoint APIs or push data into those pages, we can simply redirect to our own custom payment gateways. None of your gateways are supported in my country so only half of your features are actually useful to us.

    313 votes
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  2. ACH payments through Stripe payment gateway

    Option to make ACH payments through Stripe payment gateway.

    119 votes
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  3. stripe payment options for europe

    support for Bancontact, Giropay, iDEAL, SEPA Direct Debit, and SOFORT through stripe in europe

    101 votes
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  4. 2checkout

    Recurring Billing using 2Checkout.
    Extend the existing integration with 2Checkout to accommodate automatic billing-similar to all the other payment gateways.

    65 votes
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  5. Integrate Braintree gateway

    Braintree accepts credit card, debit cards, paypal, bitcoin, apple pay... and the pricing is same as stripe etc....

    49 votes
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  6. Integrate with Adyen Payment Gateway

    Integrate with Adyen Payment Gateway is one of the most important omnichannel payment Gateways and we should be able to use it with Zoho

    42 votes
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  7. Braintree gateway in Zoho Subscriptions


    Could you please tell me when is Braintree gonna be available as a payment gateway in Zoho subscriptions?

    32 votes
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  8. Integrate With the NMI Gateway

    The NMI gateway is the largest white-label gateway supporting over 150 processors for Card and ACH. All transactions would be able to qualify for level 2 processing fees as well as 3D secure cart. NMI has what is called the gateway emulator which uses the code, you just need to switch the URL strings to point to NMI. This is a quick dev project for ZOHO.

    28 votes
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  9. Please add Payeezy as a Payment Gateway

    Please add Payeezy as a Payment Gateway - Payeezy is a major payment gateway in the US. The lack of integration is limiting us from being able to integrate with Zoho invoice/subscriptions.

    19 votes
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  10. Integration with Payfort payment getway

    Integration with Payfort payment getway for transactions in middle east.

    19 votes
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    Add Swiss Payment Gateway

    16 votes
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  12. Integrate with Elavon

    ELAVON is a US payment gateway which is pretty famous. It would be nice if Zoho Subscriptions is integrated with it.

    16 votes
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  13. Add Plaid ACH verification to Stripe integration!

    Stripe + Plaid is the easiest way for customers to verify their ACH payment info. It's easier than entering a credit card number. Plus they don't charge anything on top of Stripe's already super-low ACH fee! It could save us thousands of dollars each year, if we could use this option. But normal "2 deposit" verification methods are slow and the client is likely to forget about returning to verify.

    Plaid makes it all super easy and it works flawlessly with Stripe, adding the bank account as a payment method, instantly.

    Please add support for this!

    15 votes
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  14. Lemonway integration

    Can we have an integration with lemonway wich is a good european payment gateway


    14 votes
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  15. Integrate with Square Payment Gateway

    We can use Square in zoho books but not subscriptions? We should be able to use it on both! Please integrate this! This would allow square to be used across zoho. Square already has subscription billing so it shouldn't be a hard thing to implement.

    12 votes
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  16. Please include the fees charged by the gateway in our reports

    When you facilitate a charge through paypal or stripe, I am hoping you can see how much fees were charged to the transaction. It would be really nice if you could track that in Zoho Subscription reports.

    10 votes
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  17. Integrate Zoho Books & Zoho Subscriptions with PayFast payment gateway

    Allow South African businesses to accept online payments by integrating Zoho Books and Zoho Subscriptions with the south African payment gateway PayFast

    9 votes
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  18. Select payment gateway

    I use Stripe as my payment gateway. Recently I added WePay. I added a new customer in Subscriptions. Zoho automatically assigned WePay as the payment gateway for the new customer. I would like the option of choosing the gateway I use to process credit card payments for each new customer I add or changing a customer's payment gateway. I don't want a gateway chosen by default.

    9 votes
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  19. android pay & apply pay

    Android Pay & Apply Pay - Stripe has this on their gateway and would be nice if zoho subscription can push this out on the checkout page.

    9 votes
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  20. 9 votes
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