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165 results found

  1. Improve Zoho Books' Avalara Integration for Multi-Location Tax Calculation

    We conduct business at multiple locations and often host in-person sales events, primarily in Tennessee, an origin-based sales tax state, requiring accurate tax calculation for each location. While Avalara supports multiple locations, Zoho Books' integration limits tax calculation to a single location, or "Company Code". This creates challenges during sales events, as we need to calculate origin-based tax accurately. The integration should allow selecting from Avalara's multiple locations at the transaction level to ensure sales tax is calculated based on the sale location, rather than defaulting to the customer's billing or shipping address.

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  2. Can You Recommend Data Wipe Tools for Safe Disposal of Drives?

    When it comes to safely erasing data, SysTools Data Wipe seems like a great choice. But I’m curious—are there any other solutions that offer advanced features like multiple wipe methods or the ability to sanitize SSDs? Share your recommendations!

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  3. MX

    Integrate with MX.COM instead of Plaid/Yodlee

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  4. change account to sync to in quickbooks online

    When Zoho invoice syncs to QuickBooks online it chooses the account it's going to sync to in QBO and sometimes creates a new account. Please provide a way for me to go into Zoho invoice and tell it what QBO account I want the payments to sync to.

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  5. Cookie Consent: Understanding the Importance and Best Practices

    Understanding Cookies

    What are Cookies?

    Cookies are small text files stored on a user's device when they visit a website. These files contain data that allows websites to remember user actions and preferences, making their browsing experience more efficient and personalized.

    How Do Cookies Work?
    When a user visits a website, the site's server sends a cookie to the user's browser. The browser stores this cookie, and the next time the user visits the same website, the browser sends the cookie back to the server. This enables the website to recognize the user and remember their preferences.

    Different Types…

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  6. Create and lodge Company Tax Return to Australian Taxation Office (ATO)

    Many small companies prepare their own accounts and use Zoho Books - next step after producing P&L, BS, Cash Flow, BAS (Zoho reports) is to submit Company Tax Return to the Australian Taxation Office. A tax return is relatively easy for small businesses (e.g. assets, liabilities totals and COS/expenses) but you need to either use another accounting system which has SBR (Standard Business Reporting) functionality with machine credentials into the ATO or fill in the PDF (paper) version of the return.

    Please consider or let us know if this in development (ATO information

    Zohoers - please vote for…

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  7. Create and lodge Company Tax Return to Australian Taxation Office (ATO)

    Many small companies prepare their own accounts and use Zoho Books - next step after producing P&L, BS, Cash Flow, BAS (Zoho reports) is to submit Company Tax Return to the Australian Taxation Office. A tax return is relatively easy for small businesses (e.g. assets, liabilities totals and COS/expenses) but you need to either use another accounting system which has SBR (Standard Business Reporting) functionality with machine credentials into the ATO or fill in the PDF (paper) version of the return.

    Please consider or let us know if this in development.
    Please vote.

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  8. provide monthly invoice upload to GSTR1 in QRMP scheme and Monthly Tax payment challan generation

    provide monthly invoice upload to GSTR1 in QRMP scheme and Monthly Tax payment challan generation

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  9. Allow integration of Stripe payments made other platforms like Bookwhen

    We use Bookwhen for our bookings and take payments through stripe, please integrate these transactions and the stripe fees so I don't have to put them in manually.

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  10. Zapier - Create Item add more fields, be able to modify record

    Right now you can create a new item through Zapier but you can only add the Rate for the sales order, there is no option to add the Cost for the purchase order.

    Items do not have a lot of fields to begin with, it will be great if all the fields are available including custom fields, it will be just a simple mapping.

    Also a new Zap should be created to Update information, not just creating items. This is very handy as items are often updated with new pricing

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  11. Integrate Zoho Books with the "Tax Jar" service

    It would be great if Zoho Books integrated with the Tax Jar service. This is similar to Avalara, but the cost is better. Thank you.

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  13. 1 vote

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  14. Allow USD customers to make payment through razorpay

    Currently only INR customers are integrated with razorpay. Why is USD not allowed?

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  15. Integrate importing payroll entries from Payroll Relief

    Payroll Relief, an Accountants World program, has an export feature for QuickBooks and CVS files. Zoho's import journal entry requires a lot of data manipulation to the CVS file to get it to be imported into Zoho.

    For Example:
    The account number field is numeric in Payroll Relief, but a text field in Zoho or
    Payroll Relief doesn't create a Currency field, required by Zoho

    If Zoho support would focus on integrating with other payroll programs it would have more time to resolve the over 1000 system enhancements suggested. Put Zoho payroll on the low priority list for now.

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  16. Add Post Code Lookup + Address Fill

    Other vendors provide automatic address fill by postcode. For Example Microsoft use for NAV and Business Central. This would be a relatively simple yet excellent addition to make and would save a lot of time having to type out addresses.

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  17. Ebay with Zoho CRM Integration

    Forget spreadsheets, time-wasting sync-ups or manual data transfers. Get these two apps happily teamed up, making your life easier.It sync data such as Customers, Sales, Invoices, Products to Zoho CRM from eBay store to Zoho CRM,which enables businesses to run more efficiently & enhance efficiencies in the business processes.

    We have integrated Zoho CRM with eBay(2-way Sync), which provides you the following business benefits;

    Auto synchronization of customer data to Zoho CRM.
    Auto Synchronization of Products to Zoho CRM.
    Auto-sync orders & invoices to Zoho CRM.
    Get a complete view of your transaction information from one place.
    Sales in your…

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  18. Integration with sales wholesale business platform "Brandwise"

    Please integrate with Brandwise. It is a sales platform that is used by wholesale gift industry

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  19. whmcs integration

    I use WHMCS, the most popular shopping cart for recurring revenue billing.

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  20. To be able to delete Zoho notifications after receiving them.

    I would like to have the ability to delete notices from Zoho after I have read them. They stack up and tack up room.

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