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76 results found

  1. Create sub-customer accounts

    We need sub customer accounts with the ability to view invoices/sales, contacts, reports etc for each branch location

    126 votes
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  2. provide real-sync between Zoho CRM contacts and ZBooks

    Please make sync between CRM contacts and Books real-time, or at least hourly. Or make the forced sync a non-admin level feature for a user. We use Subscriptions, and would like to set up a subscription immediately after converting a lead in CRM to an Account. Today, we need to wait 1 day, or have an Admin force the sync from CRM Setup, which is silly. Why can't this be real-time or a User profile setting that anyone could force to sync??

    81 votes
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  3. Salesperson should not see the entire company's numbers

    Sales people should not be able to see the entire company's sales figures. They should only see their numbers so they will know how far they are at achieving their quotas.

    Sales people should see their own sales and receivables but certain user levels (sales managers) should see the total figures for their team.

    39 votes
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  4. Integrarte CRM & Books/Invoices at Quote/SO level rather than potential

    Current,y Opportunities are synced to create invoice/estimate through Trigger. However, there is no point as there is no detail on it - so I suggest you do it at Quote and/or Sales Order level. This keeps sales out of books or won't require them to start quoting through books/invoices.

    37 votes
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  5. Info should sync completely between "Items" in Books and "Products" in CRM.

    Information such as Manufacturer and Product category should sync between Items(in Books) and Products(CRM)
    it should also display the info when you are trying to create an Invoice and selecting the items for the invoice.
    for example if I sell Potato chips but I have three different brands I should be able to tell which is which when I am selecting them in the "Item Details search box"
    currently it would display "Potato Chips" three times but I would have no way of knowing which is which because it doesn't display info such as manufacturer

    33 votes
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  6. 28 votes
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  7. Integrate personalized fields form Zoho CRM

    Need to sync personalized fields from CRM with Books so I don't have to type the same field twice.

    19 votes
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  8. Client Portal CRM & Books Integration

    Please create a unified Portal for both CRM & Books, CRM is taking care of the part where we solve client problem and Books is where we bill them, We can not just give out multiple portal to customer to view the progress and the bills. If the portal could be unified it will look more professional in terms and also better management for the businesses.

    If either Books or CRM can show data to the other platform that would be very awesome.

    • Currently we really lack a way to show a task progress to customer on Books and show…
    17 votes
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  9. Need Zapier Trigger for SALES ORDER creation

    I pay for multi users in both BOOKS and CRM. I simply want DEAL stage (in crm) to change when I create a Sales Order in Books. I'm told that I have to upgrade from Professional to Enterprise. This would cost me $500 more annually. I won't do this... I tried to create a zapier for this, There's trigger for INVOICE....There's trigger for ESTIMATE... how hard would it be for ZOHO to have a trigger for SALES ORDER????

    16 votes
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  10. Allow time entries from Zoho Desk to be added to Invoice the same way as Zoho Projects

    When a draft invoice is created for a Customer that has billable time in Zoho Projects, you are presented with an option to "Include Unbilled Items" Please allow for billable time entered into a Customer Ticket in Zoho Desk to be billed in the same fashion. Currently you can only generate a new invoice in Zoho Desk.

    14 votes
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  11. Sync Zoho Books Budget to Zoho Analytics

    Make budget available in Zoho Analytics for us to expand budget capabilities and cross data from other services against budget.

    9 votes
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  12. Docusign

    Docusign is integrated into CRM, but not Books. We choose to integrate books and CRM, and therefore we are penalized for using more of your products. In the current scenario my sales rep will be forced to take extra steps in order to send quotes via docusign. This negates the whole point of automating our sales force.

    8 votes
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  13. Integrate CRM Tasks, Calls & Events with Books for Logged Time

    As a professional organization, almost all activities can be billable. But right now, there is no way to pass through Tasks, Calls or Events from CRM to Books as logged time. This isn't supported directly, and Books currently doesn't "expose" time log entries with 3rd party tools such as Zapier. This is feature is really needed!

    8 votes
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  14. sync items purchased by contact between Zoho books and Zoho CRM

    Within CRM I want to know what a contact/account has purchased. lifetime $ amount and quantity of items.

    6 votes
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  15. Zapier Functions

    Please add Create Bill and Create Vendor actions for Zapier

    6 votes
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  16. be abble to attach a document to an invoice inside of CRM integration without going into books to attach

    books allows you to attach a doc to the invoice to be seen by the customer in there portal...which we like. but with CRM integration you can create the invoice etc...but then have to go into books to attach the doc...can you make it so you can attach inside the crm integration and flow through books and into the portal?

    5 votes
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  17. Show linked Bills in a Related List to Contacts in Zoho CRM

    Currently, only Invoices, Estimate, Sales Orders, and Expenses are linked to Contacts in Zoho CRM. It would be extremely beneficial to integrate linked Bills as well.

    5 votes
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  18. When we are in Books doing a billing action, we need the ability to add notes to CRM. We can see CRM notes in Books, but cannot add, edit.

    Currently we can easily see CRM notes on the account we are viewing in Books, but we cannot easily add new notes. Currently we have to manually open CRM, copy and paste into CRM, click search, pick the correct contact, scroll down to notes, then add. So many steps that no one currently makes notes whenever in Books.

    4 votes
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  19. Bad translation of ZOHO Book (or not translation)


    There are some very bad translation in French that are confusing for our customer:

    1- Link Potential (when you create a quote (devis) This should be : Lié à une opportunité

    2- Facture impayé >> This is a wrong term

    You have Facture en retard (that should have been paid)
    Facture à récevoir (which is Invoice to be paid)

    Impayée is a non sens word for an invoice which shall be paid for the futur.

    Please if you do this, this could help our common customers.



    4 votes
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  20. Adding Credit Note in Zoho CRM Integration

    Hello Everyone

    It would be very helpful for our sales team if they can have the list of related Credit Notes created for a client in Zoho CRM Finance Module, and if they could be able to create a credit note directly in Zoho CRM as well.

    Only Invoices, Estimates and Sales Orders are synced with Zoho Books.

    4 votes
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