URGENT FUNCTION TO HELP US ENDURE THE CORONAVIRUS CRISIS: Enable partial payments for internal staff
Enable partial payments for internal staff
Given the Coronavirus pandemia, all businesses are going to suffer from a high level of late payments. Would it be possible to enable the possibility for our internal staff to decide what amount of an unpaid invoice we want to try to charge. This would enable us to get paid for at least 25, 50 or 75% of the invoice amount, in case the customer does not have enough money to pay for the full amount, but can pay part of the amount due.
AS commented above, I would restrict this possibility to the staff and would not give it to the customers, to avoid to let them pay less than the full invoice when they could pay for it.
Thanks a lot,

Hi there,
While you record payment for an invoice manually in Zoho Subscriptions, you can edit the payment received. This way, you can record partial payments against the invoice.
If you’d like your customers to be able to make partial payments online, you can enable this under Settings > Preferences > Subscriptions.
Feel free to reach out to support[at]zohosubscriptions[dot]com