Customer portal upsell button/option
Within the customer portal there needs to be a way for customers to 'buy' more.If they have logged in to view their account then you have captured their interest. This means in sales and marketing terms that they are ready to buy again. There needs to be a way that they can be be upsold other one off products and or linked back to the website to buy additional products. For example. I have 40 customers who have brought the 'yellow' package. these customers should all have automatic offering in their portal to add on the rainbow bolt on if they want it,
This could be achieved by creating a link button that takes them back to the website so they can review the rainbow product and then buy it or indeed a direct button that allows them to buy it there and then.
Sales maximisation is crucial and its often the bolt on's and add on's that we make the most money off. Therefore we MUST maximise every opportunity with our client to buy more.