Date wise Net Revenue Report
Zoho Subscriptions > Report > Net Revenue Report > Customized Report> Have two fields
From date & To date.
However, Above two fields accepts only months, not specific date of month
It will be great if Zoho has customized report & filter for below permutations/combinations
Net Revenue by
1) Customized date range
2) Products/Plans
3) Payment Mode (which payment method is PayPal, Bank transfer, UPI, Credit card, debit card)
Reason why above?
For daily tallying and usuallly Payment gteway settles payment in T+2-3 days.
Business can focus/push/grow more on well performing plans, or tweak under performing plans.
Same as above for payment mode.
There is always work around like exporting data to excel and calculating, but why all that hassle?
What if due to company security policy zoho subs user don't have export permission revoked?