make recurring charges with credit card submission the default
"Use this card for future transactions" is not prominent when someone is entering their credit card info to create a subscription. many customers forget to do this and require us to nag them and send reminder emails. we would prefer that the "Use this card for future transactions" is selected as default (or not even an option, since this is a monthly subscription that they are signing up for.)

Hi Jim,
By default the option “Use this card for future transactions” is enabled for all invoices. Customer if needed can uncheck it and make payment. Can you please check it once again and update us on this.
Alastair commented
It looks like the box is now checked by default, which is good. Ideally this should be configurable with the following options:
* Show checkbox, unchecked by default
* Show checkbox, checked by default
* Don't show checkbox (checked by default and no way to uncheck)