Zoho Books
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6817 results found
Facture à montant total négatif
Il serait intéressant de pouvoir faire des factures dont le montant est négatif en cas de restitution d'accompte pour annulation de commande
1 vote -
I would like
I would to suggest that the customer statement or even vendor statement to show ageing analysis at the end of the statement. Its difficult to collect outstanding amounts if customers cant see the amounts which are 60,90 and 120 plus over due.
Currently the customer show total amount and from that amount you need to determine which is 90 days plus over due.
3 votes -
Recurring Invoices for a automated updated billing period
I am a service provider, I provide service for a time period,
like I provide broadband connectivity for 1 month and amount I take is Rs. 30000 per month for billing period of 01/03/2019 to 01/04/2019
Right now I am using custom entries to enter billing period but if this could be automated for recurring Invoices for next month billing period could also change to 01/04/2019 to 01/05/2019
that would be great for many of us,
Thank You5 votes -
Why ZOHO can add multi-ccy expenses but can not pay multi-ccy bills to vendors?
I just upgrade to standard version however I found that I can only use single currency to manage vendors and corresponding bills?!
why ZOHO books can add multi-ccy expenses but can not pay multi-ccy bills to vendors?
Please consider it, thanks.
3 votes -
customise invoice table field to be able to add info for each item
I want to be able to add a filed in the invoice item table, so i can add any other information about each item
1 vote -
Provide the option "Vendor Advance" in the "Manage Transaction Rules"
That allows us to choose the option "Vendor Advances" within the Manage Transaction Rules in the section "Record as"
3 votes -
Add an extra column for bank statements to enter folio/ref
Add an extra column into bank statements for manual addition of references such as statement, cross-references, short comments, queries etc.
Make the column searchable.
Allow manual import of the extra column.
2 votes -
Add a customer or a vendor from the Bank Overview when you are entering transactions
Add, delete or rename Customers and Vendors on the fly from the Bank Overview.
In fact from anywhere. You never want to have to leave one screen to go back so you can add or delete or amend another related transaction base.
1 vote -
Sort bank transactions according to Descriptions
Bank overview
Click details
Sort ascending or descending details.It will help to find a transaction according to the description where there are a few similar.
It is a search and select option that will help locate transactions from the bank statement side
EG - I paid PNP about R500 but I cant remember when.
2 votes -
Stripe test mode
It would be very helpful to allow for using Stripe test mode when first setting up ZB.
3 votes -
Need a way to specify the live of a fixed asset and it should automatically post depreciation to each month or year at predefined rate
Need a way to specify the live of a fixed asset and it should automatically post depreciation to each month or year at predefined rate
3 votes -
Unearned Revenue
My issue here is reporting—my Balance Sheet would not show Accounts Receivables balance correctly, and My Ageing Summary Report balances are also wrong since it will omit any unmatched Customer Payments which are shown under Unearned Revenue account in Current Liabilities.
For Ageing Summary it becomes difficult. For example, an instant where I have so many customers and a number of them have unmatched credits means I will be showing unreal outstanding balances for customers.
1. If the Ageing Report would have an option to include the unmatched payments, or;
2. If there was a configuration option to choose,…19 votes -
msg91 is common SMS Gateway Please addon
msg91 is common SMS Gateway Please addon that feature
now here only twilio gateway, we are using last 3 year zoho books please consider as valuable request
8 votes -
Ability to Choose an Accounts Payable Person who is different thant the main contact in CRM
Currently in Books all invoices go to the main contact in the account. That person may not be the right person for invoices to go to. We need the ability to choose another person in that company as the default Accounts Payable person. Currently this is a manual process and we have to remember to check the correct AP person for any accounts that have people in different roles. Please consider this seriously as it is something that should be automatable to prevent user errors...
1 vote -
View list of selected vendors for a particular item while creating an Purchase order.
While creating a purchase order for a low stock items, all vendor are displayed while choosing vendor name. It would be really helpful if while selecting vendor name while creating an purchase order for an particular item, Inventory displays only preferred and list of vendors tagged to that item.
Instead now it displays all vendors who may not even sell that particular item. This leads to error and waste of time to find out the list of vendors from whom we can purchase the item.
Also it will be good if there is an option to view and compare the…4 votes -
Under footer, I suggest you have 2 lines of labels. So we can for example, enter "sign of consignor" as well as " sign of consignee"
under footer of delivery challans and invoices, I suggest you have 2 lines of labels. So we can for example, enter "sign of consignor" as well as " sign of consignee"
1 vote -
make liability accounts visible in the banking view, not just chart of accounts
These are only visible in the chart of accounts and it's unclear how to enter transactions as instructed here....
https://www.zoho.com/us/books/kb/expenses/record-loan-amount.html#toc_2please enable transactions to be entered....
1 vote -
Need History / Quick Links in Bill Screen just like in SO's , PO's, Invoices
The Bill Screen needs to show the same "History" section at the top that shows where the bill was created from (such as Purchase Order) with a quick link back to that source. The same feature already exists in all other modules like Estimate, SO, PO, Invoice so it should exist in the Billing to allow the user to seamlessly move through the transaction history. As it is now, we must copy the PO number then go search for it.
3 votes -
Recurring Invoice Profile
Have the option to assign multiple customers to one Profile Name on a recurring invoice.
1 vote -
Link One Vendor with Various Customer
For e.g. I have one vendor with whom I purchase 2 different item and that item I sell to 2 different customer. Now Zoho has limitation that 1 vendor can only be linked to one customer , it doesn't allow to link same vendor with other customer of mine.
How can we solve this?6 votes
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