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6817 results found

  1. ADD "Reference Field" column on Record Payment Page Between Invoice Number and Invoice Amount

    We have customers who use various purchase order numbers, and we would like to be able to quickly identify which invoice is associated to their PO. While we record this information on the invoices, they use their reference numbers (Purchase Order / Sales Order / Reference #) when sending in payments, and it SHOULD be easily found next to the invoice number on the "record payment" page versus having to go back and look for their invoice to find the associated PO to record the payment. Anybody else have this issue?

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  2. Translate Zoho Books into Arabic Language

    Your system is very nice and easy to use but it lacks an Arabic interface and a way of supporting RTL in invoices and quotes.

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  3. Invoice reminder emails

    Enable ability to send invoices to one email contact, but follow up reminder email sent to another contact. Our Clients request us to submit invoices to one email, but inquire about their payment by sending to another email address.

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  4. Merge estimates and Create PO from multiple Sales Orders.

    It would be nice to be able to merge multiple estimates so we can convert into ONE Sales Order.

    Also, it would be nice to be able to select multiple Sales Order and convert into one PO.

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  5. Near quantity add new column box, ctn, weight etc and it should count quantity automatically...

    Please add one more column near item for unit for box, ctn, weight etc and it should count quantity automatically. Eg if I have 24 quantity in 1 ctn, then when i write 1 ctn quantity 24 should come automatically...

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  6. Consolidated statement for merged accounts (contacts)

    Statement for merged contacts can only be run as customer and vendor separately at the moment. However it is confusing and manual calculation is needed. Would be very nice to have a consolidated statement indicating the balance of total transactions.

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  7. Clone invoice statement

    It would be helpfull to be able to clone a Invoice statement (as you can do for invoice template) to be able to have a model in a different language and associate the model to a contact.

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    0 comments  ·  Invoices  ·  Admin →
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  8. Automation workflows - add new fields

    Please add possibility to add automation based on GL entry, chart of account, time sheet and projects

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  9. How do I bring the sales and purchase accounts codes through from the item to the sales invoice?

    All the items have a different sales and purchase accounts on their record. However these codes are not reflected in the sales order/invoice or purchase order/invoice. As a consequence they have to be manually coded at time of invoicing which leaves huge room for error.

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  10. Documents tab in Contacts panel

    Would allow user to upload documents related to the customer such as scanned copies of receipts, orders, reports, and so on. This could also be linked to Zoho Docs..

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  11. There are some expenses which are not strictly operational exp like Advt and sales promotion whereas Zoho group them under operation Exp

    There should be some flexibility built in to structure the report so that anomoly like Advertisement is not shown as operational Exp in the P&L Account

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  12. Blueprint in Zoho books is urgent!

    Blueprint should be implemented in Zoho books!

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  13. Internal projects

    Ability to create and budget for a project that is not attached to a specific customer, i.e redesigning our own website.

    We would still like to track expenses and hours spent even though it will never be billed to a customer.

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  14. Item on sale - price override option

    Would it be possible to have a check box in the items sales information section, that would allow you to set a sale price which would then override any discounts or price lists set for an account.

    More detail: I have multiple price lists setup for different size customers. My inventory will be over 2000 sku’s, but if I set the sell price at a discount, then when I add the item to a customers sales order, it will automatically apply another discount. This would cause me to sell the item for less then cost. My sales orders could have…

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  15. Mileage report

    Add the ability to see number of miles on reports so that the total mileage is shown. This can then be used to calculate the amount not claimed by the employee if the mileage rate paid is less than the hmrc rates.

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  16. change mileage rate on mobile

    Be able to change the mileage rate when adding a mileage expense to mobile

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  17. set a mileage rate per customer or project

    I get paid different mileage rates by different customers. It would be good to be able to set a mileage rate per customer or project. This would cut administration down significantly.

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  18. Google Hindi input support

    google hindi input support is no more. please re enable this feature. it is very heplful in hindi region

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  19. 4 votes

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  20. Show email icon in front of payments received if we have informed through email

    Show email icon in front of payments received(after payment #) if we have informed the client through email like in invoice.

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