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70 results found

  1. invoice level images instead of item level

    I would like to be able to add two to three large images to the invoice/estimate/sales/order at the invoice level, not at the item level, thanks.

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    Hi there,

    If your requirement is to add images at invoice-level, you can add them as attachments to the invoice so that it gets sent to the customer when you e-mail the invoice. You can attach files while creating/editing the invoice.

    In case you have any questions, you can reach out to support[at]zohoinvoice[dot]com


  2. multipler

    I need a multiplier added to the items field. I rent equipment to clients and my prices are perday. i need to be able to bill them for multiple days.


    Item: Power tool
    Dailyrate: $50
    Days Rented: 4
    Total: $200

    Basically just add a multiplier to the items field. I will have to look to another application provider without this being available.

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    Hi there,

    Thank you for posting on our feedback forum.

    For this particular requirement of ours, we would suggest creating an item with the name “Power tool” and rate set to “$ 50”.

    While creating the invoice, you can just pick this item and enter the “Quantity” as 4 so that the final amount becomes $ 200.

    Also, inside template settings, you can rename the fields “Rate”, “Quantity” and “Amount” fields if you wish.

    Kindly give this a try and let us know your feedback to support[at]zohoinvoice[dot]com


  3. Associate 'Potential' to a Company/Account with a different name

    We only sell through 3rd parties (resellers) to whom we send Estimates and Invoices. However, the Potential/Deal (in CRM) is associated with the end customer as we need that information.

    Currently when you assign a Potential in an Estimate it only searches for Potentials/Deals with the same Company/Account Name.

    Would it be possible to either wildcard the search, or map to a specified account to search for a Potential ?

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  4. Accept and Making an advance payment (retainer)

    Would like client to have ability to accept and make an advance payment per Retainer settings by visiting %EstimateURL%

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  5. percentage of estimates accepted / invoiced / declined

    Generate a percentage of estimate status. ie. 75% invoiced

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  6. Choose the items of a price list

    When we create a price list for a client it would be useful to have the possibility to choose the items we want to show to him, instead now we are bound to show the whole price list with all the items.
    Adding to this, when I send a list items I intend the client can choose from different items so it would be useful if we could not show the total because it can be confusing for the client.

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  7. option to create recurring invoice from accepted estimate

    The option to create recurring invoice from accepted estimate

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  8. Create custom status on estimates / invoices

    Possibility to add custum status on estimates / invoices

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  9. Terms & Conditions per template

    We have different payment terms for different estimates as we sell two different services with different payment terms. This means that we need to manually paste the terms on each estimate to make sure it reflects the right service. The option of having the Terms & Conditions based on template would therefore solve this problem. Should be that hard to fix.

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  10. Cloning both billing address AND customer address (drop-down access)

    Simply put, I am a subcontractor that sends proposals to several contractors for the same project through a shared network. I would like to eliminate the redundancy of entering the JOB location when I change the contractor I am sending to.

    Default- this info must be entered every time, even on a cloned proposal.

    1)create proposal with client and project location info (new or existing in drop-down)
    2)save draft/send
    4) select new/different client (from dropdown)
    5)*still have to manually enter project location (rather than info xfer from original)
    6) save/send etc.

    Trying to eliminate step 5.

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  11. Include on the mobile application for estimates and invoice photo of the work to be done automatically attached to the estimate/invoice.

    The idea is when we are on the field doing and inspection and estimate of the work, have photos from the mobile or table integrated on the form (estimates and invoice). We know that you can attached photos but the idea is integrated in the form immediately.

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  12. Add inventory to Estimates

    When building an Estimate, it would be helpful to be able to view the amount on hand, that way the salesperson knows how much of an item they can offer

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  13. Adding the client name to "Estimate(XXX) has been accepted" email and mobile notification

    Adding the client name to "Estimate(XXX) has been accepted" email and mobile notification

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  14. Opciones de seguimiento en presupuestos para cerrar ventas

    Los presupuestos deberían tener mas opciones de seguimiento, con el objetivo de ayuda a cerrar la venta.

    Por ejemplo, incluir:
    - Opción de enviar recordatorios a los clientes y que puedan dar feedback.
    - Opción para agendar una fecha y hora de seguimiento, y que esta se envíe en forma automática por correo al vendedor.

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  15. Custom Charges Field for Invoices/Estimates

    I need to add custom charges in invoices like Insurance charge, legal charge, etc. There are more 5 charges. Currently I can only add two charges Shipping Charge and One Custom.

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    Hi there,

    Since the nature of these charges are business-specific, it would not be available by default in Zoho Invoice. A workaround for this would be to add these charges as line items in the invoice.

    You can try this and send your feedback to support[at]zohoinvoice[dot]com


  16. payment term

    Payment "term" section to be enabled to the estimate section just like on Invoice section.
    It is important for me and my client as I can show them how the term is going to be.

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    Thank you for posting on our feedback forum.

    Payment terms are typically used to set a due date to an invoice and collect payments within that date. Since the clients cannot make payments for estimates, neither the “due date” nor the “payment term” would come into the picture.

    As far as estimates are concerned, it’s a deal you offer which they can accept/decline. To set a date before which you would like them to accept/decline, you can make use of the “Expiry date” field in the estimate.

    Hope this helps. If you have any queries, you can write an email to support[at]zohoinvoice[dot]com


  17. Create Retainer Invoice From Estimate: Mark As Invoiced

    When manually creating a Retainer Invoice from an Estimate it does not change the "status" from Accepted to Invoiced. This is rather inconvenient as even though a Retainer Invoice has been created, it does not show as Invoiced.

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  18. Make placeholders as available in footers available for all other fields in Estimates / Invoices / Credit Notes

    Would be great to have placeholders available for all other fields in Estimates / Invoices / Credit Notes. We are trying to build a confirmation stub, something like "I confirm estimate [placeholder for estimate number], signed by [placeholder for contact name].

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    We would like to know more about your exact requirement so that we can suggest the best possible solution.

    It would be very helpful if you can drop an email to support[at]zohoinvoice[dot]com so that our support team can assist you shortly.


  19. alternative offered also

    some items are an alternative position.
    Its important to see the price , but do not add the price.

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    Hi there,

    We would like to understand your requirement better so that we can help you with the right solution.

    Can you please write an email to support[at]zohoinvoice[dot]com with more details on the same?

    Our support team will be happy to assist you!


  20. Designate specific name that appears on estimates (or invoices)

    I often send estimates to three/four people, but one is the designated "contact person," and therefore the person who should appear on the Estimate/Invoice. I can email it to multiple people, but I want to be able to designate one person as the main contact through the check boxes at the bottom of an Invoice/Estimate draft.

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