Zoho Books
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6869 results found
Add text formatting (bold, underline, italics) to Add Attention Content", "Organization Address Format", "Customer Address Format"
Add text formatting (bold, underline, italics) to templates where custom code is available like these sections "Add Attention Content", "Organization Address Format", "Customer Address Format". I have done this in programs where you have to add double asterisks before and after the text that you want to be bold, or // before and after you want to underline
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Disable Contact Display Name in PO
Disable Contact Display Name in PO.
When Billing & Shipping name and address are different.
It still shows "Contact Display Name" in Deliver to addressBilling Address:
John Doe
5555 Main St
New York, NY 11111Shipping Address
Jane Brown.
ABC Company
1234 Main St
New York, NY 11111In Zoho Contact
Primary Contact: John Doe
Company: ABC Company
Contact Display Name: John DoeBilling and Shipping name and Address tab same info above
When I created A PO and Deliver to address shows;
Jane Brown.
ABC Company
1234 Main St
New…3 votes -
transaction rule
Transaction Rules need a criteria for which bank account the transaction is in.
For example, I have paypal and checking accounts. When I buy something with paypal, I get a new transaction in both accounts. Many times, both transactions (from the banks) have the vendor name in it (Let's say ABC Widgets, Inc.) If I make the rule to catagorized all transactions that have ABC widgets in them as an expense, the problem is, one of the transactions is actually a transfer from my ops to paypal account, not an expense.
Being able to filter by account would say, that…3 votes -
Descriptions in the reports
Need to see the description/Narration in account transactions reports and other GL reports. and should be able to generate different levels of trial balance.
Also line items in the journal voucher need to be shown separately especially in bank ledgers to ease the reconciliation process and also allow transactions with different dates in same journal
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3 votes
customer entered in zoho books get duplicate
customer entered in zoho books get duplicate want custom buttom that validates the fields entered for new customer any matches with existing customer.
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show each individual payment received as a separate line item on invoice, and subtract them out separately
show each payment received as a separate line item on the invoice and subtract each from the remaining balance of the invoice separately.
For example, if my invoice total is $1,000.
Client paid one payment of $300, it would show that payment received on its own line, and subtract it from the $1000 and show remaining balance $700.
A second payment for $400 would then be added to the invoice also having a separate line on the invoice and be subtracted from the REMAINING BALANCE of $700, and would then show a Remaining Balance of $300.
Currently, the payments are…3 votes -
Allow manual payment using stored card details atleast once.
There's a major bug. if we miss an automatic payment,we should be able to login and make a manual payment using card details. Every other online payment gateway and provider allows this. You should not delete card details when attempt a manual payment even if you put the account back to the trial mode.
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Paid Invoice Tag visible
"PAID" appears as a green tag a the top right hand corner of an invoice. Please make this visible for a customer to see that the invoice has been paid other than balance due $0.00.
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Default off CC payment so it can only be done by user not customer
There is one of 2 solutions that will work here.
Default the online payment off so i can add charge for CC payment. Regardless of previous transaction. make a option. Then you send invoice as normal. If they want CC payment then i can add the charge and give them access.
Add a request to pay by CC button and when clicked add a convenience fee tot eh invoice and enable the online portal. This way when they click the link it runs the macro to do this. On in zoho world it is a function)
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I would like to make the offer more readable and easy to understand, by adding subtitles into offers and invoices.
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Make it possible to pay an expense (as in a reimbursement) via cheque (check if you're a yankee)
I'm quite surprised you cannot print a cheque to pay a reimbursement. Kind of fundamental.
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Item addon
Like you operate in Subscriptions, for both Goods and Services. I have an Item listed as 'Boiler Service', some boilers I service have an additional part attached to them and for this I offer an addon. When I raise an invoice for a customer and add 'Boiler Service' as a line item I then want to be able to select any number of appropriate addons associated with that 'Boiler Service'.
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allow me to import several files for bank statements for the same day.
We update our banks manually. We connect to the bank 3 times a day and get only the new movements, save them to a file and then we try to import this file to our Zoho bank account. First time is OK (10am) but when we try to import new movements between 10am and 2pm we get an error "A statement has already been imported for these dates. Please check and try again". We need a third import at 5pm.
Maybe you can set a swith in configuration to turn ON/OFF this option.3 votes -
Option to round up project time to the hour
Currently project times can only be rounded up to 30 minutes. Requesting that the option to round up to the hour.
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Integration with VisaNet in Peru
Integration with VisaNet in Peru
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Categorise similar banking transactions in one flow
Today if I get income from a single source and there are multiple incoming payments to my bank, I have to register each banking transaction individually.
Even though all of these similar transactions are categorised in the exact same manner.
It would be better if you could allow us to select multiple transactions, and categorise them all in one flow, one time.
Will reduce effort by an estimated half for categorising
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Need document upload feature while attaching or selecting document to invoice/expense/bill
When attaching document to bill/expenses, there is no option to upload document in popup. So we need to go back to documents and need to upload document and than again come back to bill/expense/invoice to attach document. so it is better to have upload document function in popup while attaching document.
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birthday date
Would like to have a filed in contacts where we can add an Birthday date of our clients. and send an automate email or sms.
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Add Dropdown Option During Data Entry
Would like to be able to add an option to a dropdown custom field 'on the fly' during data entry instead of having to add it in preferences.
3 votes
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