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6817 results found

  1. Pouvoir gérer les pourcentages positifs (Ex. +5%)

    En suisse les avocats doivent envoyer des notes de frais au Tribunal avec les honoraires du Timesheet +5%.

    Actuellement dans Zoho, on peut gérer (+) 100 , (-) 100, (-) 5% mais pas (+) 5%.

    Il est indispensable de pouvoir créer des (+) x% dans les sous-totaux avant ou après la TAX.

    Merci d'avance.

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  2. challan for consignment sale

    Ability to create challans for consignment sale and show the inventory in your partner's account. Once sale is done by them then ability to make invoices and book sales

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    Like 1 to 1000 leaflets will cost Rs. 5 per pc
    1001 to 5000 leaflets will cost Rs. 4 per pc
    5000 to 10000 leaflets will cost Rs. 3 per pc.

    Add this feature to ZOHO. There should be a tab in settings with allows you to switch on QTY WISE RATE FOR ITEMS

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  4. Allow the same choice of custom fields in all Books Templates

    Books should allow the same selection for custom fields in all documents. I.e. Allow for a salesperson field in the Credit Note just like the Invoice template

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  5. Enable users to save a draft of emails written in Books when sending estimates

    Enable users to save a draft of an email in Books. When sending an estimate with the email function in Books you cannot save the text nor the email addresses. When you want to go back to the estimate (to change or check something) you have to go out of email mode which means you lose everything you wrote (unless you copy paste it into a word doc). Very annoying ! Would be great if you could fix this.

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  6. Pre-reconcilation box in transaction register

    add ability to check mark or a status box (clear or reconciled) in transactions in the register as a way to pre-reconcile transactions like QuickBooks

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  7. There should be an option to generate invoice from delivery note or generate delivery note from invoice. fully / partially

    There should be an option to generate invoice from delivery note or generate delivery note from invoice. fully / partially
    when we select any specific customer it should show the tag for pending delivery notes and invoices requires action

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  8. all transactions

    In Banking ALL TRANSACTIONS, you should have a divider line between past transactions and future transactions or color the background of future transactions in a light gray to distinguish between them. Also, since the “Amount In ZohoBooks” only displays the total for past transactions, it would be helpful to also include a total with the future transactions.

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  9. We need the account code in the journal upload file when importing journals through the manual journals section

    We need the account code in the journal upload file when importing journals through the manual journals section.
    This is very important for mapping from different accounting systems.

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    1 comment  ·  Manual Journals  ·  Admin →
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  10. Customer notes on Sales Orders

    Some customers have different product and ordering preferences, making use of the Customers notes and then seeing the notes on the Sales order screen will allow us process the order correctly.

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  11. Customers account Balance on Sales Order

    It is good for our orders processor to see the balance of the customer on the Sales Order to prevent processing orders of "Blocked" or customers that are over their credit limits.

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  12. Integrate with payment gateway ( )

    Our business requires accepting payments from our clients using this payment gateway

    Please, make integration with them.

    Thank you!

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  13. more than one custom field

    More than one custom "Check Box" and "Dropdown" field for Items.
    Very restrictive when trying to define and manage a large inventory

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  14. Associate a project with a tag

    Currently, we can add a tag to a costumer. But what if all the departements are invoicing the same costumer? We need to add a tag to a project, but we can't. Currently, I need to change the tag each time I create an invoice.

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  15. Types of purchase order

    In the purchase order, is there is any option for the P.O received from the client, i am basically trader cum manufacture. where i use to get the purchase order from client, and i use to give purchase to my vendor, how i will differentiate this two purchase order.

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  16. auto pre-GST base rate calculate and no CGST/SGST breakup needed

    can u add feature to auto calculate base rate if final price is given and option like inclusive / exclusive of tax is chosen ( like in quick books)

    also another very useful feature is that it automatically selects CGST/SGST or IGST based on base place & supply place .. and in case it is intra-state, i just need to choose 'GST' rather that CGST/SGST and the app auto breaks up tax into 2 halves..
    this is really very convenient for the workflow

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  17. Put totals at the bottom of the invoices pages

    It would be the easies thing to add a TOTAL at the bottom of the Draft, Unpaid, Overdue etc page on Zoho Books. Literally will take 10 min to program that. It seems like a basic concept yet why isn't it implemented? (NO I don't want to run a report every single time, or calculate by hand).

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  18. Email Several versions of the same quote to Various Head Contractors that are all Tendering on the project

    Email Several versions of the same quote to Various Head Contractors that are all Tendering on the project

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  19. Need Corporation Bank corporate login for account linking with books is the corporate banking link for Corporation Bank. I could not find this option to link to my zoho books. Strongly suggest you to add the feature.

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  20. same Item name with multiple description / batch no.

    possibility of same item name with different batch no. and different packing size

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