Zoho Books
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6817 results found
1 vote
Send customers Sales Orders via the client portal
Currently you can send sales invoices and estimates through the Client Portal. Could you make it possible to send Sales Orders through the Portal and give them an acceptance button as with Estimates?
Client has developed integration through CRM and the ability to generate Sales Orders in CRM to be transferred to Books and if the client had the ability to see and accept through the portal this could make life very easy.
Thank you
43 votes -
Enter with in the customer's account history, or on an invoice history, that the thank you/receipt email was sent.
Currently, when you send a thank you email, you have no history of it within the Account or invoice history log. So if the thank you was auto sent, it doesn't even give the notification it was sent, and it's not logged. You can't ever verify that it was actually sent.
2 votes -
1 vote
Timesheet/Support Staff User Role
Be able to have more granular control of user roles, in order for employees (i.e. support team), not to be able to see sensitive information of the company (i.e. invoices, expenses, customer balances, etc.). In addition to current timesheet access, I would like to be able to give my support employees to:
1. Create new tasks (currently they can only select from existing tasks)
2. Have the ability to create Fuel/Mileage expenses when they travel to customer site for support15 votes -
Overwrite 1 penny and up to a 1$
Overwrite when matching transactions for 1 penny and up to a 1$, it would be good to have some freedom to overwrite the match when there is a small difference in the amount and we are sure the transactions match.
0 votes -
Taxable task
It would be smart to be able to set individual tasks as not taxable. As it is, I have to manually edit each non-taxable task every time I generate an invoice. It's repetitive, time-consuming, and invites error.
12 votes -
Allow rename of Projects and Tasks
After a project or task has been invoiced, you cannot rename it. While I can understand why (referential integrity in the database), this is a terrible restriction. Prior invoices with the old name shouldn't need to be affected, but sometimes details of a project evolve, and renaming is helpful (especially if you discover a typo).
8 votes -
Create Complete Projects
- Create a Project, for example - Project A
- We will add, Client Details, Billing Address, Shipping Address, email Id, tel number etc. (this could also be an existing client in my contacts)
- We will also add other contacts associated with this project (could be new or they could be existing contacts in My contacts)
- We can then create estimates / invoices related to this project and its details.
- This way different projects with different clients or same clients can have common contacts, who can view all documents (estimates / invoices etc.) with a single login id and password. which is…
12 votes -
Allow a contact to be associated with multiple estimates / invoices etc.
Each contact should be able to view all the estimates / invoices they are associated with, because once they start to be a part of different projects with different clients, we will not be able to have so many email ids for one contact for them to view all estimates / invoices etc. they are associated with.
So when a contact is associated with many different estimates / invoices etc. he / she will need only one email and login to access the portal and view all associated estimates / invoices etc.
Alternative on the same lines I suggest the…
5 votes -
bulk payment of invoices
Currently you can only pay one invoice at a time. You should provide a bulk payment option.
22 votes -
provide syncing of contacts with Google
It would be nice to sync contact information such as address and phone with my google contacts.
11 votes -
Posting Periods on Transactions
i need a posting period on transactions so that i can track transactions by period regardless of the date of a transaction. for example, i have an invoice dated 1/1/2015 & another invoice dated 3/4/2015, and i want them both to post in FEB 2015 (because what period both are charging for). then i want to select FEB 2015 from a dropdown on each transaction. i want calendar months as my choices, but others may want years or quarters.
& reports should be able to filter & aggregate data based on desired periods.
4 votes -
Territory based tracking for transactions & contacts
i need every transaction & contact to have an assigned territory. then i need to be able to filter & organize my reports by territory. this field should be per line item on the transactions for max flexiblity, but a transaction level field is fine too if it means the feature is available sooner.
additionally i want to control user permissions by territory too (but that can come later).
6 votes -
Allow recurring purchase orders
Please allow recurring purchase orders ASAP.
Quickbooks and your competitors allow this.
In any business where the same people are billing you every month you need to track that they're billing you or enter there reported work: cleaning, tutoring, schools etc. there is huge application for this.
We'd really like to stay with Zoho but this seems like a major oversight.
Beethoven at Home
4 votes -
Track multiple sku's of an item
An item, say SJ PTO 115 may have different versions with different SKU's (due to different sizes, colors etc.) Right now, each of the different SKU's have to be created as different items in Zoho Books. It'd great if different SKU's can be created under the same item.
4 votes -
Better Paypal integration
When paypal feed is integration it only had the customer name, transaction number and amount. Other services like Godaddy bookkeeping transfer customer name, transaction number, amount, and item. When you don't include the item which is sold from through ebay, reverb or amazon it requires you to access those account to figure out what what sold.
5 votes -
Add the PDF to a mail teamplate
I created an automatic workflow: when a client asks an offer, he gets a mail reminder some days before the offer expires. It's great and very useful but unfortunately there is no way to add the offer in PDF directly to the email template. It would be great if it would work because not every client has an access to the portal and/or understands that he/she has to connect to the portal to see and/or accept/decline the offer.
14 votes -
Invoicing without forced emails
I just integrated from another online bookkeeping service. Since Zoho Csv function does not match up with paypal, I was forced to enter numerous completed transactions by creating an invoice then paying it. The problem is these are actually completed transactions. When creating an invoice if forces me to input an email so it can send. Please fix this. There is times you want to create, print and invoice without using email.
4 votes -
Custom Field Type - need "look up" eg Contact name
Want to add a custom field that looks up a preexisting value such as contact name.
Use case = received a bill that I want to lodge as a cost against a customer (not quite the same as expense) eg the cost of buying a Zoho license for a client so at the end of the year I can have a consolidated report that shows the total revenue from a client less the cost of goods supplied so we get a profit by customer report3 votes
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