Zoho Books
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6817 results found
Partial Payment Due Dates
If I make an invoice and choose allow partial payment, I should be able to either choose an amount to be due or specific percentage to be due, by a certain time chosen. This way the invoice is not stuck in "Overdue"
9 votes -
Accept Comma in currency figures
Dear Zoho,
A feature I need is when you paste an amount with comma ... say 3,256.90 it should be accepted with the comma. Many a times we copy from excel or from calculator and it becomes a pain to remove the comma first
11 votes -
Add Selector Tool for Companies to Choose the States they Ship to
Currently I only ship to a couple states but I have no way of stopping a purchase if a customer orders from a state I don't ship to. I really need this service to prevent bad customer experiences where I have to cancel orders. - Thank you.
3 votes -
Add option to choose a particular date for the fiscal year rather than just month
Have the ability to set the fiscal year to a specific date to make reporting easier. For example in the UK tax year start around the 5th or 6th of April so it would be good to set the exact date not the 1st of the month.
11 votes -
Improve the search-bar in the timesheet Weekly Time Log view.
Only possible to search with the project name prefix. Complicated to find a project among hundreds
33 votes -
Enter a Purchuse order received from Customer
Create a facility of adding a PO received from Customers. Sometimes one gets a PO with the full details but one invoices from that PO over a said period of time.
3 votes -
Accountant Quick Notes/Tasks
As an Accountant
A note or task that can be set for staff handling a partcular client or a note to the client.
for EG
Staff Note
Please review the Income statement for accruals not accounted for.Client Note
Please process the credit note to ABC as discussed.1 vote -
We are based in the UAE with very few payment gateway support. Paypal is there, but it does not support USD and Zoho does not allow a conversion to USD automatically to AED
So my request is to integrate Telr as a payment gateway
Would it be possible?
18 votes -
Request for multi currency feature in ZohoBooks
Dear Zoho Books,
We would like to request to have multi currency feature in ZohoBooks. We are facing difficulties for not having this feature. We are doing international trading and very difficult to convert everytime as our purchase price currency and selling price currency is different. It will be very nice and convenient for international sales if we can have multi currency feature in zoho books. Please kindly consider this request.
Thank you.13 votes -
Reports required on monthwise
We need to review or export all the reports in monthwise in one click
6 votes -
Enable Sales, Receipts and Dues
Display total sales, receipts and expenses over different time periods
3 votes -
Sales, Receipts and Dues
it would be great if we could have this feature on the dashboard as on Zoho Invoice. It has been quite a useful feature3 votes -
I would like to have a better control on cash flow
Monitor cash flow by week, month or custom date range. Visualize Cash Flow
3 votes -
I'd like to change the WePay fee from payer (default) to payee.
My clients have agreed to pay the transaction fees for credit card payments and I would like to be able to make this change to the integrated WePay payment option.
7 votes -
Stop the message to refresh on every page when an enhancement is made.
Nearly every time a page is loaded, you get the message on top that an enhancement has been made and to reload the page. There is zero value in this message at the rate that it is received. It just wastes time.
0 votes -
Suggestion 5
Time sheet reporting:
Provide better time sheet reporting.
- It is very difficult to take a time of an individual for a whole month and check where he / she has captured time for all days. A time sheet report with days of the month as columns with number of ours in each column and on the left column the project he / she entered time for will give a better view of the time sheet. Grouping them by employees where i can select and expand the name i want will help me to under stand this better. Also an excepting…
1 vote -
suggestion 4
Reporting tags in transactions:
The reporting tag definition at the moment is at a transaction level and there is limitations to provide drop down selection type tag definition.
Most of the cases , the reporting tag defined is common for most of the transactions. e.g. , if i use a Profit center as a tag, i would like to have this in all transactions, similarly, a cost center tag might be used by most expense transactions. Also , when one defined drop down values in multiple places there could be a likely chance of making mistakes (lower case, upper case,…
1 vote -
Suggestion 3
Dashboard and other expenses related reports:
All posting to expenses accounts (accounts that are defined as expenses) are not getting reflected on the dashboard and or in the expenses related reports. There will lots of Journals would entered for booking expenses especially when one follow an accrual system. Instead of checking the accounts, it seems ZOHO books reporting, including dashboard, is checking whether the expenses are entered as expense transaction or category. Appreciate if you could please check this and update the system accordingly.
1 vote -
Suggestion 2
AR and AP Accounts:
ZOHO Books have hard coded the AP and AR accounts and hence even if i have to use my own coded Chart of Accounts , I can't define an AR and AP account of my choice. I suggest, you could provide a this as a configuration item (initial setting) where-by the user will provide the desired AR and AP account name from the list of accounts created and you could mark this for automatic posting only.
Also, I should be able to use supplementary accounts for , i.e; when i define employees as vendors, i should…
1 vote -
i have the following suggestions
Chart of Accounts maintenance : I am sure many people would like to use their own chart of accounts. Appreciate if you could please provide a better maintenance option, e.g; multiple selection of accounts for deletion. Some time one could make mistakes in uploading set of accounts and deleting them a painful task as we should delete it one by one and it takes time
6 votes
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