Zoho Books
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6817 results found
Move the Google Sign In to the main sign in page in order to make it one click.
At the moment when we get to the sign in page and if you want to login with Google for example, you need to click another two times, making a total of 3 clicks to get logged in from the main Zoho page. Ideally there would be some option on the top right to sign in with Google directly on the main page allowing a 1-click solution
3 votes -
cXML, OAG or OCI support for Amazon Business website for orders
Please allow the integration with Amazon Business website by implementing the cXML, OAG or OCI standard.
6 votes -
When shipping address is altered on the SO it does not carry over to the invoice or, more importantly the DN.
When the shipping address is changed on the SO the shipping address should also change on the invoice and DN. The default shipping address should NOT change in contacts.
5 votes -
provide the option for bulk upload of Bill of Supply
We have both Taxable invoices and Bill of Supply but you currently allow bulk upload of Taxable invoices and not Bill of Supply. This will greatly reduce our effort on a monthly basis.
4 votes -
PRICE LISTs over writing via import
1 - Price list page with check box for bulk edit
2 - Price list over right via import3 votes -
projects based on both a fixed price and hourly rates
Be able to create a project based on a fixed price, but then later add "extras" based on an hourly rate.
1 vote -
Inventory item should be found with matching few words only
1 vote -
Please check of bank details (Bank Name, IFSC, Branch, Acc Number etc) of vendor and employee to be added on the system
- It will provide storage of bank data of every vendor so that we don't need another medium to find these data repeatedly.
- Data can be used for banking transfer (If zoho gets integration with banks)
1 vote -
Bank transfer to another account should include all accounts
When recociling the bank account I would like the option to be able to pick any ledger account, or at least any balance sheet account. If I have liabilities accrued and a standing order paying them monthly I want to be able to post directly to it.
6 votes -
have an option in the invoice section to send and mark as paid
I often take payment before i create an invoice, so it would be great to send an invoice as already paid.
3 votes -
cash A/c nagative balance or dry break up daily
Its not possible to view Cash A/c closing balance for each and every day in zoho books. It must be dry break up like in tally erp.
1 vote -
Multi selcetion of Reporting tags in single entry or expenses head
There should be a facility of selection of reporting tags more than one in single expneses head while booking expneses or bill.
1 vote -
1 vote
I could not see Rack and Row concept in Inventory
Rack and Row concept in Inventory
4 votes -
Kindly provide Reports based on recivable by sales person
for this add fiels in Contacts for fixing sales person fiex and so their is no need to select the sales person at every time of billing .Thanks
3 votes -
Sales order balance should go to my inventory...i mean the balance on the sales order.
Sales order balance should go to my inventory...i mean the balance on the sales order.
2 votes -
Job Sheet for computer repair/ service works
Job Sheet for computer repair/ service works which includes at least the following details in a standard format.
Job Card no:
Customer Details:
Product Details:
Fault Description:
Estimated Delivery :
Estimate amount:
Work assigned to:
etc.1 vote -
While converting estimate to invoice, I want invoice number to be auto-generated to same as estimate number.
While converting an estimate to invoice, I want invoice number to be auto-generated and it should be same as estimate number.
Reason - once I have sign off from buyer and procurement team, I convert estimate to invoice. Now, procurement team has dealt with estimate number, while dispatching we need to put invoice.
Estimate number and invoice number being different creates misunderstanding.6 votes -
Renaming sidebar tab headings to user's requirements
Hello Zoho support, I am currently using Zoho Books, Zoho People and Zoho calendar for a client which belongs to Dental Health Care, and names of the finances such as estimates are named as Treatment Plans, while contacts are named as patients, and Items are named as Services.
It is my uttermost and sincerest request that please allow a feature to rename the sidebar tab headings according to my wish so that customers are satisfied. If not the feature, please rename these three things for me, that would be the bigger honor from your side.
1 vote -
In tally curret year earnings is automatically distributed to partners at the year end
In tally profit is automatically distributed at the year end , however that is not the case in zoho so we have to pass manual journal. In this case if we take out PNL the earnings shows as zero in both pnl and balance sheet as on 31st march.
1 vote
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