Check template
We need more check template. We don't have possibility to customize the template we already have. We have different template in others accounting program for more flexibility we need the same in zoho

Loren commented
We have a few different check styles - it seems you can't create multiple check styles/templates like other forms
Rick Aveline commented
Add the ability to add another reference column to the Checks template. I would like for the Checks template to have our "PO #" and the vendor's "Invoice #" to be included on the printed stub. Most of our customers do this and it makes AR/AP much easier to rectify upon receipt of payments.
Anonymous commented
Check templates need to make each element position customization. Right now, if I move it so the customer address is right the amount prints in the wrong matter what. The elements need to have independent positioning - or just let us wright our own html!!
Sam commented
This is something we want desperately as one of the big issues preventing us from moving to a new accounting software is that we can't print the entire check through most accounting programs. Currently we print the entire check, account number, routing number, check number, amount, Payee name, memo line, signature etc, on a completely blank check stub.