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6817 results found

  1. Hi, if you can integrate Kotak Bank, it will be easier to pay Vendors / Suppliers bills directly from Zoho.. Thanks, Nirag S Shah

    Hi, if you can integrate Kotak Bank, it will be easier to pay Vendors / Suppliers bills directly from Zoho..
    Nirag S Shah

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  2. mention use case for using ZSC

    mention use case for using ZSC help docuemnt

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  3. Electricity is also bill. but that is not same everytime. where to make entry ?

    Electricity is also bill. but that is not same everytime. where to make entry ?

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  4. Print signature on a check when it prints.

    Check Signature
    It would be nice to have the signature print on checks when they print.

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  5. Financial Year Based Accounting

    Zoho Books run on Open Period Concept where one can enter transactions in Any year (Either Past Date or Future Date). This is a serious gap in internal controls where any of the executive may end up keying transaction in incorrect financial year and same will have impact on company's financial position.

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    2 comments  ·  Invoices  ·  Admin →
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  6. Domestic reverse charging of VAT functionality

    Zoho books has an option to account for reverse charging VAT when buying/selling products from Europe. However, there are several products that are reverse charged domestically. It is not possible to account for these in Zoho Books. Later in the year I understand that certian building activities will be dragged into the reverse charging category. I want to but I can't use Zoho Books until this feature is added, others may have to stop using it if it is not added.

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  7. have the ability to close project tasks

    It would be really helpful to be able to make project tasks closed so time can no longer be booked to parts of a project that have been completed.
    If this was a tick box then if a task was ticked it could be unavailable in the time entry.

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  8. candian GST .....

    we can claim GST back on expences but need the system to net PST off before i.e. we pay 11% tax 5% is reclaimable and need to hit it own account

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  9. Billable Item Markup or Margin

    In the items section, Zoho has the ability to make it a two sided item (meaning it can be a sales item or a purchase item).
    This would be great if the concept could be taken to its logical conclusion.
    If we think of a single transaction going through all the stages, we see that
    A quote can be converted a sales order, and it uses the sales side price.
    A sales order can be converted to a purchase order, and the purchase side cost is used
    A purchase order can be converted to a bill
    But a bill cannot…

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  10. recherche

    lorsque l'on fait des recherche parfois il y a plusieurs personnes qui ont le même nom alors difficile de savoir lequel est le bon ? sans entrée dans le contact , il devrait alors a ce moment nous montrer autes chose comme l'adresse en plus . merci!

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  11. to enable Estimates to be converted to Delivery Challan / Delivery Notes , if not already there ?

    we want to be able to convert our Estimates to Delivery Notes before Invoicing

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  12. birthday date

    Would like to have a filed in contacts where we can add an Birthday date of our clients. and send an automate email or sms.

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  14. Give the option to "Add New" email contact while editing Estimate

    While editing an invoice, towards the bottom of the screen you can click "Add New" in order to add another email address....Please add that same functionality to the estimates as well. Everything else is basically the same in both Invoice/Estimate windows except that!

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  15. allow the default date to be either today's date, OR the last date used

    When entering historic data, it can be quite annoying to have to change the date, with multiple clicks. for every transaction. Most desktop accounting packages have this option. It would be a welcome change here.

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  16. default items for Estimates

    There are some items needed for almost every Estimate, so it would be great if we can default them, instead of adding them into an estimate each time.

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    2 comments  ·  Estimates  ·  Admin →
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  17. Need document upload feature while attaching or selecting document to invoice/expense/bill

    When attaching document to bill/expenses, there is no option to upload document in popup. So we need to go back to documents and need to upload document and than again come back to bill/expense/invoice to attach document. so it is better to have upload document function in popup while attaching document.

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  18. Role based restrictions for client portal

    The ability to apply a role to an indvidual or a group of individuals so that restrictions can be placed in the client portal. Accounts only sees Invoices. Estimates can only be viewed by sales etc.

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  19. Multiple bills from single PO

    Converting of a PO into bill , we are able to convert one PO into only one bill. Can this be converted into multiple bills?

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  20. Categorise similar banking transactions in one flow

    Today if I get income from a single source and there are multiple incoming payments to my bank, I have to register each banking transaction individually.

    Even though all of these similar transactions are categorised in the exact same manner.

    It would be better if you could allow us to select multiple transactions, and categorise them all in one flow, one time.

    Will reduce effort by an estimated half for categorising

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