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6817 results found

  1. Invoice Detail Report.

    A new Report needs for a given period lists invoice details such as Invoice number, item description, Qty and Unit Price. Current Invoice Detail report only includes Invoice summary - but not the deail.

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  2. Integrate with Intuit Online Payroll.

    It would be very helpful if you could integrate the various Intuit payroll products into Zoho Books.

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  3. please add fix asset register or asset list include purchase date- purchase value- %monthly depreciation- Asset book value after depreciatio

    please add fix asset register or asset list include purchase date- purchase value- %monthly depreciation- Asset book value after depreciation as of date.

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  4. Editable Item Groups/Assemblies

    We would love to be able to create groups of items (or assemblies) that we can actually view and edit while creating an estimate or invoice. Ideally this would include the ability to change the quantity and price for each line item in the group AND be able to hide the line item breakdown from the client.

    For example, the client would see "Total Travel Expenses" and a price. While creating the estimate/invoice, we would see and be able to edit the mileage, meals, and lodging line items that comprise the total travel expense assembly/group.

    Pretty please?!

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  5. i would like a re-arrangement of the fields on Bills

    I would like the entry fields on the Bills to appearas:
    Bill #
    Order #
    In all of my years of accounting that is the order of bills biill number then date or date and then bill #

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  6. I would like a shipping date field on the AR customer invoice

    I believe the AR customer invoice needs a shipping date on it so that the customer and he Finance Dept have that information on our invoices to them

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  7. Trash Folder for deleted Estimates/PO/Invoices etc

    Please provide a trash folder where all the deleted estimates/invoice/PO document will go and get deleted automatically after 30 days or so.

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    0 comments  ·  Estimates  ·  Admin →
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  8. Required Comment Option For Items

    There Is an Option Of Commenting On Any Of Transactions. Like Purchase Orders, Bills, Invoice Etc. We Need The Same Of For Items Level. Requesting To Discuss This With The Zoho Developer Team And Get The Feedback.

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  9. Adding one Bottom to go the last page of item list and one bottom to the first page .

    We have more than 50 pages of 200 each page of items . it is time consuming to move from first page to last page by clicking next each time .

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  10. Separating Customer ID from Vendor ID

    When Adding custom field in contacts for customer ID or Vendor ID .

    and when i request it to be auto-generated . there is no way to separate Customer ID from Vendor ID and i have to but the both fields for the customer and the same for the vendor .

    Customer ID has different serial No. from Vendor ID .

    What is needed is to separate Customers from Vendors in Preferences to get this issue solved .

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  11. Adding Bank Fees as expense when we make a transfer to a vendor through payments made

    Adding Bank Fees as expense when we make a transfer to a vendor through payments made . in many times there is a bank fees for the transfer done by the bank . we should process these fees in the same transaction as it is in the same transfer document .

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  12. delivery challan to a supplier and convert the delivery challan to bills

    we used delivery challan for job work. after receiving the job work. we need to convert the delivery challan to bills

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  13. 1) Add total to Account report groupings; 2) Able to run Account report filtering by Contact

    1. When we run a report for Account and add a Group By Contact, we want a sum per group
    2. When we run a report for Account, we want to be able to add Contact as an additional Filter
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  14. Custom Fields on Purchase Orders

    It would be nice is we could add custom fields to purchase orders. There is a field for Shipment Preference however there is no field for us to input a tracking number. It would also be beneficial if there was a Purcahse Order date, Ship Date & Received Date.

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  15. We want attachement option In items for attaching pdf document.

    While having any kind of transaction we can able to attach attachments of pdf document. We want this feature on Item level. Currently, there is an only option of attaching images. We want the option of attaching documents. By this, we can able to attach any kind of technical details, drawings to the corresponding item.

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  16. Negative opening balance for contacts

    Please give us an option to enter Negative Opening Balance for Contacts.
    i.e. Credit Balance for Customers and Debit Balance for Vendors.

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  17. Please add custom status in purchase order

    I would like to add a custom status in purchaser order where after it is approved, the purchaser can request for the payment ahead of time before it will be billed.

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  18. Ability to clone transaction from list view (instead of only when viewing the trans form)

    When looking at an expense, bill , or invoice (heck, make it sales order and estimate also) and the select boxes are available, make an option to clone. Immense savings on workflow, eliminate going to a more detailed view of a transaction to clone it.

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  19. Ability to clone transaction from list view (instead of only when viewing the trans form)

    When looking at an expense, bill , or invoice (heck, make it sales order and estimate also) and the select boxes are available, make an option to clone. Immense savings on workflow, eliminate going to a more detailed view of a transaction to clone it.

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  20. Allow Users to Adjust Default Settings with Zoho Books Timer extension in Chrome

    Within the Zoho Books Timer extension in Chrome, users should be able to set defaults so that the extension: 1) opens in the "log time" tab; and 2) within the "log time" tab opens in "set start time and end time" mode.

    Currently, I inefficiently waste 2 clicks getting to this point each time I make a time entry.

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