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Zoho Inventory

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54 results found

  1. Batch and Serial Numbers Added on Packages and Receives...NOT Bills and Invoices!

    I order a several products from a manufacturer, they ship 1 today. It arrives at my warehouse. My warehouse manager looks at the product, sees the batch number, and can't edit it on a receive???? The bill may not arrive for weeks. When it does, it may combine several receives. When it does arrive it goes to the accounting office, which now has no idea what the batch number was on the merchandise.

    In the meanwhile, I receive an order for the part. I prepare a package. My warehouse can't package the order until the bill arrives????That's crazy. Then they…

    211 votes
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  2. Item Management

    1.inventory items, non inventory items, and inventory groups.
    2. Part number, Manufacturer part #'s, Multiple Venders part numbers all for same item.
    3. Let me enter multiple venders pricing on same items.
    4. Allow easy search on downloaded database on mobile device for quick invoicing/estimating.
    5. Allow pictures with some items.
    6. Allow customized defined fields..... lots of them.

    115 votes
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  3. Integrate Zoho Inventory with Zoho Reports

    It would be great if the Zoho Inventory data is synced into Zoho Reports. Something similar to the Zoho CRM - Zoho Reports integration that you offer and we use, it's great!

    64 votes
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  4. Add Shopify tax inclusive orders sync support

    The Shopify - Zoho Inventory integration does not currently sync Shopify tax inclusive orders. This is a real showstopper for the majority of sellers since they are displaying the prices with VAT/Tax included. We are in the same situation - the only way the order sync works now is by pushing tax exclusive order from Shopify to Zoho Inventory but this means we are forced to display prices without VAT/tax in our storefront. Obviously this cannot work for retail sellers.

    By speaking with Zoho Inventory support, the issue is that Zoho Inventory does not get the tax percentage from Shopify…

    46 votes
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  5. Allow Supplier Item Pricing in a Different Currency

    I distribute products from suppliers arounmd the world. Their price lists are not in my base but their local currency - USD, JPY, EUR etc.

    I need to be able to enter supplier currencies for each item. At the moment their prices have to be converted into the base currency. This means that when a Purchase Order is created in their currency the prices are always wrong (as exchange rates change) resulting in me having to manually update each price from a paper price list.

    This wastes a lot of time and could be avoided.

    38 votes
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  6. available stock.

    In our system now we immediately can see these two data related to the stock: 1) stock on hand. 2) available qty which is calculated as stock on hand, + purchase - sales. There should be even a report which shows only thos items where the available qty calculated as above is below 0

    36 votes
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  7. Option for serial number entry while packaging and shipment

    The inventory system should have option to enter the serial number while packaging and shipment and the system shall pick up the same while invoicing.

    Because while sending the items to customer, we need to put the serial numbers in the document.

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  8. Optional automated notification (email) of shipment/tracking information for manual shipments

    When entering a manual shipment, offer an option to generate an automated email notification to the recipient and/or additional emails with pertinent information

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  9. Package-wise billing

    if the invoice could be raised by referring to packages made, Partial shipments can be easily invoiced.

    For eg.
    a sale order contains 100 items. only 80 is available in stock and can be processed immediately.
    Packages can be created for these 80 items.
    If there is an option while invoicing to point to the items packed in the packages, the invoicer need not manually go through all the 100 items to deselected the 20 that is not being shipped. Saves a lot of time, especially for us where we despatch about 200 items everytime.

    27 votes
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  10. inventory for automobile

    inventory for automobile to be based on two level Article and items with option to add fields based on user requirements, upload from excel option :)

    22 votes
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  11. Predictive search to operate on all words

    When adding items to a Purchase Order, the predictive text works very well for the SKU or the first words in the item name. However, this does not work for other words in the description and this would be helpful.

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  12. register sales with ipad or tablet and send receipt and invoides by email

    Possibility to register a sale in a ipad or tablet and send the receipt or invoice by email. Several stores with its own warehouse and own prices, every store works with an tablet as a cash register. The sales can be done in a tablet and the items are removed from the inventory.
    Every store nees to have own reference numbers (receipt, invoice number... Tax Code) but can share customers, items, suppliers
    It will be worth for companies who has temporary stores (shows, "ferias"....)

    21 votes
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  13. item price management based on quantity or total sales

    I would like to have the ability to manage item price based on quantity for ex : from 1 to 3unit = price 1 , from 4 to 9 unit = price 2 etc ...

    Based on total sales :
    EX: from 1k to 3K >> price 1 or Discount 1
    from 4K to 9K >> price 2 or Discount 2 etc ...


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  14. Walmart Marketplace Integration

    There are more and more sellers selling in Walmart Marketplace. It would be nice to have Walmart Marketplace integrated with Zoho inventory.

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  15. Add/intergrate the OpenCart Cart

    I would like you to add/intergrate the OpenCart Cart

    17 votes
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  16. Allow entry of serial numbers for serialized items during packaging

    Allow for entry/scanning of serial numbers during the package phase instead of during invoicing. The packaging is done in the warehouse where the items actually exist and can be scanned, not in the accountants office where the invoicing is done!!! Now we have to figure out some work around using spreadsheets, sales order numbers, item numbers, and the scanned serial numbers and then get that data to accounting and hope nothing get confused in the process.

    15 votes
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  17. Composite items can be put in other composite items

    This would make for better use in a manufacturing environment. Sub-assemblies are often used in a full assembly (composite item) so we would need a way to keep track of built or in stock sub-assemblies. We could do this if a composite item could be used in another composite item.

    15 votes
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  18. Print shipping labels directly to thermal printer

    It would be nice to be able to print a shipping label directly from zInventory instead of having to download it and then open and print it. We do a lot of shipments and it just becomes cumbersome.

    15 votes
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  19. A history should be visible of all item quantity adjustments, purchases, etc.

    If a quantity of an item has been adjusted in stock manually, there should be a history of what happened with that item (there should be all history where should be possible to see all movement of goods by date, etc.). But now there is no any history about adjusted item. For example, when creating an invoice and choosing a quantity of an item, stock automatically updates, but there is no possible to see a history. Let’s say, I go to an adjusted Item in a preview mode, I see 4 tabs: Overview, Purchases, Adjustments, History. In Overview tab I…

    14 votes
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  20. Integration with Additional Sales Channels/Shopping Carts

    • Google Merchant Center
    • Spark Pay
    • BigCommerce
    13 votes
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