Zoho Invoice
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- If it’s a new idea, kindly post a detailed description of your suggestion or idea.
If you have any questions or would like to share your feedback on our status updates, please drop an email to support@zohoinvoice.com
49 results found
Integrate with Payment Provider that Accepts BitCoin
Integrate with either CoinBase or BitPay
247 votes -
Integrate with Payoneer
Payoneer has very less charges as compared to Paypal and very beneficial for doing business with international clients. We get a International bank account which will enable us to keep funds in foreign account until we need them in India. Depending on exchange rate or tax schedules we can bring in funds to maximise returns. Very useful feature. Paypal charges upto 8% for foreign currency payments. Payoneer charges less than 2%
241 votes -
179 votes
152 votes
Venmo Payments Option
Venmo.com is a great way to request payment from clients. Ideally Zoho Invoice would integrate with Venmo so that when I send an invoice, it will request payment, or send me to the page to request payment, with the invoice amount and project name filled in.
66 votes -
Payu Latam
Integrate with payu Latam . This is necessary for Latin American market. This is the real only payment gateway on Latin America .
61 votes -
54 votes
Skrill as a payment gateway would be greatly appreciated
Skrill as a payment gateway would be greatly appreciated
47 votes -
35 votes
CC Avenue Payment gateway integration
Would be nice to have CCAvenue gateway integration, especially for Indian markets as thats the only one valid apart from paypal .
And moreover a majority of merchant users in India use CCAvenue as the primary payment gateway.
I would be happy to help develop this integration for zoho invoice.
34 votes -
Braintree integration with the ability to set up the integration in multi-currencies
Correctly integrated Braintree so it can bill in multiple currencies rather than the default Braintree merchant currency.
29 votes -
Integrate with Zelle payment gateway
Zoho Invoice should have an option to integrate with Zelle payment gateway
21 votes -
19 votes
19 votes
15 votes
Integration with CoinPayments.net
Payments with cryptocurrencies are faster with lower transaction costs. Zoho can take a lead in the integration of this into Invoices - I recently discovered CoinPayments.net and I believe its relatively easy to integrate their system into Zoho. Please consider this as a new feature.
10 votes -
Auto Charge for Braintree
Auto Billing support for Braintree.
10 votes -
eWay payment gateway integration
eWay is a major Australian payment gateway. Can you please implement a gateway to it?
8 votes -
8 votes
Stripe 3D Secure
3D Secure support for Stripe.
7 votesHi there,
The Zoho Invoice-Stripe integration is recently enhanced to support 3D secure payments. Since this is currently in the early access stage, we request you to drop an email to support[at]zohoinvoice[dot]com and we’ll enable it for your organization.
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