Customer Statement Customization
Please, please enable customization of customer statement fields. I don't know why everything else is customizable except this extremely important document. You have clients all over the world, don't get why there's no option to customize it to your own language.

The wait is over! Yes, Zoho Invoice now lets you customize your customer statement and make it appear personalized.
You can choose a background color and theme, insert your company logo, add header and footer content and whatnot!
To check this out, switch to Settings > Templates, where you would be able to find “Customer Statement” option in the second left pane.
The Standard template available under this section can be customized and saved so that all future customer statements would be sent using those preferences.
Happy invoicing!
Rajendra Patra commented
Kindly provide option to customise customer and vendor statements.
Especially "order number" and "notes" field are extremely important which are missing from the contact statement. Please suggest if there is any possibility to customise the statements.
Eleventure -
Rob commented
Is there any update to this? As it stands, I have to create my customer statements in Excel because Zoho is limited on what can be reported on the statement. Unfortunately, our customers do not index their accounts by our invoice numbers and instead use the vehicle registration number. However, Zoho offers no way to add that minor detail to the statement. Or am I missing something because I cannot find a solution anywhere?
Nithyanandam Vinukonda commented
As another user has already pointed out. The update has not addressed the original request to be able to customize the statements field. Changing color is fine. But please do implement customisable fields for the satements.
It'll make it more meaningful I I don't thinks it's that difficult. Especially since it's been 5 years.
Anonymous commented
I also think this possibility of customisation doesn't address the most important thing, which is to choose different fields to come on customer statement.
For example, I want the invoice description to come on the customer statement (On my business I need to mention the invoice which originated this service I'm charging for).
At this moment, I have turned Internet upside down and didn't find a solution for this.
Is is so difficult, for example, to allow other fields on the table that is presented on the customer statement?
Josiah Young commented
I agree that this release did not address the original request. We do not need colors and fonts, we need fields. If we could choose to show or hide specific invoice fields in the statement, that would be amazing. Please add this feature! Esp. if we can map a field from Invoice and Credit Note to the same column in the statement.
nate commented
Hi Reshma, I wish to customize color theme when i send invoices to my clients, can a color be set to a particular customer automatically or must it be manually changed when invoicing each client?
Shyam commented
Whats the latest update on this? We badly need this as the description that comes in the statement is not informative and does not contain the invoice description captured in a custom field in Invoice.
Željko Janković commented
I can update what? You've enabled us to add header and footer content, but what's happening to FIELDS customization, we've requested? It really does not mean anything to us to change header and footer and not making us able to change labels of Date, Transaction, Details, Amount, Balance, etd.. How can I explain to my customer that I've sent him a half English/Half Serbian Statement? What should I tell them, oh, sorry, but you still got header and footer in your language? I'm really disappointed. Plus the Bill to field, has the bug!
Jerine commented
Silly not being able to customize the most important tool in payment recovery. I would be a fool to keep using Zoho if this isnt rectified. At least add PO# to the statement field.
Anonymous commented
I agree completely. We just need a minor tweak to the Statement template that would allow us to display the Order Number field from each Invoice.