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6785 results found

  1. Invoices in Indian languages.

    With India becoming more connected by internet, we need support and softwares in all major indian languages. Atleast we need invoice print in Indian regional languages (for me Tamil).

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  2. Add more fields to search on banking transactions

    Need the ability to search the Details, Withdrawals and Deposit field values in banking transactions.

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  3. COST Plus Price Levels / Calculation Options

    When creating Price Levels, users should have the option to choose if the data source to be marked up or marked down is the item Cost or the item Sell price. It should trivial to add one more variable to the Price Level setup page with a drop down box that allows the user to select Cost or Sales price as their basis in the calculation instead of the way it is now where a user can only use the Sale price in the calculation for customer price levels and Cost in the calculation for vendor price levels... This is…

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  4. Sales person linking default while creating contact

    A sales person is linked to a specific contact and whenever an invoice is made that particular salesperson is automatically selected rather than selecting it again and again.

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  5. Add goods sold to timesheet

    It would be nice to be able to add goods sold like you can add expenses to timesheets. Items that are sold are different then expenses because goods sold will have a markups and ossible sale tax were as expenses do not. Right now if I sell something to my customer through out the month I have to remember to add the item to the invoice after I great it through timesheet at the end of the month. It would also be nice to setup task as tax exempt. Labor doesn't get sales tax add to it but by default…

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  6. Cheque Printing and direct payment facilities

    Start Cheque printing facilities for Indian Banks and Direct payments through banks

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  7. arabic

    We need to be able to publish the reports (income statement, balance sheet, ..etc) in Arabic
    we need to to have all chart of accounts in Arabic

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  8. Add Edit Inventory Adjustment Journal

    An inventory adjustment made earlier should be able to be edited not by deleting and re doing it by by changing details of maybe one line item

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  9. e-INVOICE for Italy

    e-INVOICE for Italy

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  10. Timesheet Calendar View Filters

    I need to enter my hours in with my client in their reporting system, and I would love to have the option to filter inside the timesheet calendar view. It's a lot of switch back and forth right now.

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  11. Integrate AutoEntry (OCR) to Zoho Books

    An integration between Zoho Books and AutoEntry would make bookkeeping much easier and faster. AutoEntry uses optical character recognition, so you can either take a snap, upload from desktop or send directly by email, a purchase/sale invoice. AutoEntry will read the main field of the document (invoice date and due date, supplier or customer, net amount, tax amount and total amount, it picks the correct currency as well, it reads invoices with more than one item). Once you analise a purchase invoice to a nominal (repairs and maintenance, i.e), next time you upload an invoice, system will suggest you analise…

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  12. Allow Share\Send the Invoice\SOA\Payment using whatsapp application service . it will required and will help a lot for customers

    Allow Share\Send the Invoice\SOA\Payment using whatsapp application service . it is required and will help a lot for customers who dont have emails , or people who dont want to share their personal email in case customers type are Homes.

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  13. zoho books items linked to vendor portal for instant purchase price and MSRP sync

    I would like to see an integration between zoho books items and vendor portal (example, ingram micro). Since prices of hardware and software tend to change from time to time, it would be nice if item prices sync with the vendor. The two main fields would be purchase price and selling price based on item vendor info. We have tested quotewerks that has the ability to sync items with multiple vendors.

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    SEPA direct debit is very usual in Europe, and it's normal to get up to 10% of unpaid or chargeback. In Zoho that means that the client invoice is paid, and then some days or weeks later it has to be unpaid. Ant this operation which should be very easy (and it is in any accounting program) is incredibly complicated in Zoho Books. Let's suppose you send a group of 20 direct debit. First, you match and categorize all them with the bank account and the corresponding invoice, then when one direct debit is unpaid, you've got to unmatch all…

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  15. New fields for Honduras tax invoice

    Honduras Tax Administration Service require some new fields on invoice document, like:

    Total summary
    - Exonerated amount
    - Exempt amount
    - Amount taxed {tax 1}
    - Amount taxed {tax 2}
    - Tax amount {tax 1}
    - Tax amount {tax 2}
    - Total amount

    This is a requirement that will be apply on march 1st and basically is that main reason that I will need to migrate from Zoho Books to CloudbBiz

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  16. Multi Currency check / cheque support

    It is great that Zoho offers multi currency support but it needs to bring it to the next level.
    It would be good to be able to pick which bank account and currency we can print from and not be limited to the base / home currency. For example, we do a lot of transaction via $US and $CDN but can only pay and print cheques from our base $CDN bank account.

    My only option is now is to mark $US vendors as paid by cheque and manually write a cheque instead of being able to print it. It would…

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  17. Select project and time period to export timesheet, not all

    Select project and time period to export timesheet, not all. When we send invoice to client we are usually asked to provide detail timesheet for the billed period.

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  18. Consolidated statement for merged accounts (contacts)

    Statement for merged contacts can only be run as customer and vendor separately at the moment. However it is confusing and manual calculation is needed. Would be very nice to have a consolidated statement indicating the balance of total transactions.

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  19. Translate Zoho Books into Arabic Language

    Your system is very nice and easy to use but it lacks an Arabic interface and a way of supporting RTL in invoices and quotes.

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  20. more reporting tags

    There should be more reporting tag options than 10. This is how we track our project costs and income. It is nice to run a P&L by selecting a tag, but we will run out of options very soon if always limited to 10. I would suggest at least 20.

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