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6817 results found

  1. Inventory adjustment - option to adjust multiple items at the same time

    When using item adjustment in inventory - can we please have the option to adjust multiple items at the same time? Per item is the only option available

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  2. Inventory adjustment - allow to adjust quantity with no value change

    Can we please have the option to adjust a quantity in inventory - without a value change?

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  3. chart of accounts

    Can we have an option to make a sub account of a sub account please?

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  4. VAT - allow to current liability accounts

    When processing bills to a current liability account you cannot process VAT on the entry. Please enable us to do this!

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  5. loading advice

    sir,we are doing distribution of edible oil,after billing to various customers nearly 20 deliveries of various items we need a consolidated loading advice of iteams for vehicle because we cannot calculate manually what are the items to be loaded.

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  6. how to generate a material receipt note for the raw materials purchased

    we purchase raw materials process and make final product and sell it to end user. how to record the raw material purchase

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  7. Have the budget minus the expenses in the project snap shot and list the actual status of the budget.

    Have the budget minus the expenses in the project snap shot and list the actual status of the budget. It looks like the project section was designed around labor and hours, and it is lacking when items are purchased for the project or expenses to the project. Why list the project budget if I still need a caluculator to figure out how much $ is left in the budget.

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  8. Quiero crear varias listas de vital para lo que quiero hacer...

    Seria interesante poder crear varias lista de articulos...¿alguna idea?

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  9. Comments against a customer/invoice

    The comments entered against a particular customer/invoice should be available for exporting in a report

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  10. Cash receipt and Payment

    In real business scenario Cash transactions may happen like a person may collect cash and and repay in later date so payment and receipt entry is difficult to handle .
    2) Loan to a staff
    3) Chitty / Daliy collections for investment will be there

    This type of cash transactions is difficult to handle .

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  11. Entering cheque expeses. For ex: i have taken 10000 from my bank. out of which i paid 2500 as one my employees petty cash, 2500 as anothe

    Entering cheque expenses. Forex: I have taken 10000 from my bank. out of which I paid 2500 as one of my employee's petty cash, 2500 as another employee's petty cash, 2500 as visa expenses, 2500 telephone bill expenses. As per zoho module there are no solutions to post these transactions in one single entry. This worried me a lot. Zoho has to fix these issue.

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  12. statement of account

    Option to generate Statement of Account for unpaid invoices only should be provided. This is very common function and wonder why it is missing in Zoho books. Full statement with completely paid invoices appearing along with payment details is confusing for clients.

    Also, statement of account does not display invoice number in seperate column. It just shows as part of description which makes the statement reconciliation very difficult.

    Provide satement of account customize option also to add some important field to statement like custom fields. These fields appear in invoice while entering and also while generating invoice report but does…

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  13. 1 vote

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  14. 1 vote

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  15. Field level Validation

    Need validation on order number when creating an invoice to prevent entering duplicate order number if it already exists on any existing invoice

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  16. provision to enter income from various channels

    In addition to the sales and purchase categories,it would be better if you could include provision for business investment and other income through various channels

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  17. 1 vote

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    0 comments  ·  Banking  ·  Admin →
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  18. 1 vote

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  19. Please add "Due Date" column for invoices/Aging Details report

    It is under Sales tab in the Contacts section.

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  20. Pls add video in this page how work

    Add video about zoho books tip

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