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6817 results found

  1. Default Account for Customers/Suppliers

    When I make a sale to particular customer, the default sales account will be the one I select in contacts instead of coming it from the items. Because I could sale one item to several customers and I have different categories of revenues.

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    in bankingsite of zoho, overdraft bank account cannot be imported which makes my usage of zoho books incomplete.kindly rectify .pls..

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  3. There Should be a Separate Field in Contacts Showing the Working Field/Sector of a Client.

    As per our policy we supply or serve a single client in a field/sector. eg we

    do advertisement and branding project for a shoe company, then we never work simultaneously for another shoe company.

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  4. Use account number in the COA in Manual Entries!

    Use account number in the COA in Manual Entries!
    It makes postings easier. Just like in Sage or in QuickBooks.

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  5. Create integrations for Books, and Inventory products in Sites

    Create integrations that allow inventory items from Books or Sites to be automatically included on your Sites Page

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  6. 1 vote

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  7. No chequear disponibilidad de 220

    No chequear disponibilidad de 220

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  8. 1 vote

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  9. add an option to type in the delivery address on a purchase order for us for shippers!

    We have customers with central purchasing departments so our customer is in one location but they want products delivered to any number of locations.

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  10. E-commerce websites should be linked with zoho books. So that sales comes under one rooof and gives ease to its users

    E-commerce websites like amazon, snapdeal and flipkart should be linked with zoho books.

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  11. Classifying a CHARTS OF ACCOUNT for taxes

    Classifying a CHARTS OF ACCOUNT for taxes
    In our country if you sale something to a local customer you need to add 15% to the sales cost and charge that tax called GST form the buyer.

    When you spend money if you paid to a local seller he will also charge you GST.

    You then need to balance your GST expenses vs. your
    GST income and that would be your GST Debt or Return to the taxation authority.

    The strongest accounting software here is xero, because at the level of Chart of Account, you can determine one time if and…

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  12. Customer Wise Summary Report with detailed information as on invoice

    Their should be an option to customize SALES BY CUSTOMER REPORT for an individual customer and also customization available to select fileds to show in summary report

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  13. Single billing address but multiple shipping location

    Many companies, especially the larger ones, have a single billing address but require shipping to multiple locations. Would be great to have this

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  14. sales tax to Sales Invoice template on Zapier

    Your integration with Zapier allows creation of most fields for a Sales Invoice, but not the sales tax. Can you add this?

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  15. allow multiple email recipients in zoho books to be saved automatically.

    allow multiple email recipients in zoho books to be saved automatically. As it is now - you have to manually check multiple emails to receive the invoice

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  16. Switching between stored/saved credit cards.

    With recurring invoices there needs to be a simplified process to switch between saved credit cards. I should be able to open the recurring invoice, go to "update card" and when multiple credit cards are available I should be able to choose/change which credit card to use.

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  17. Return user to previous search results after editing

    After saving an edit on an item or composite item if it was accessed via a search, the user should be returned to the search list. Instead the user is returned to all items list.

    Workaround: Right-click browser back button (Chrome) and go select 3 or 4th option.

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  18. Select default Quote and invoicing contact

    Because they are most of the time different.
    A box where we could select wich contacts are default for quotes and for invoices per account would be great and easy to do

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  19. BHIM

    Provide a way to collect merchant payments via BHIM

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  20. To provide an ability to add any number of files (in 25MB limit)

    I propose to give an ability to attach any number of files (as far as total does not exceeds 25MB limit). It would provide much more flexibility and improves tracking

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