Zoho Books
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6817 results found
Custom View Criteria - "IS NOT"
When setting up custom view I would like there to be an option for is not in the criteria.
EX: When Status IS NOT Shipped
3 votes -
Would like have option to omit details of paid invoices and payment received in client statement
Would like have option to omit details of paid invoices and payment received while generating client statement .... In fact this is very comman feature and i have seen many other clients has already raised this request ... your quick action will be appreciated
3 votes -
we want some changes in billing format
bills should display basic amount with subtraction of gst amount and then it should display the final amount.
ex . if 200000 is the cost for a product with a 12 % gst include.
then billing format will be like
sr product quan unit rate cgst sgst total
1 mc 740 1 178571.43 10714.285 10714.285 2000003 votes -
Reset Auto Invoice Numbering
At the beginning of FY invoice numbering counter needs to be reset
eg. FY 17-18 the last invoice generated is 325.
Now from 1-APR-18 the counter needs to be reset to 001.3 votes -
Can't enter quantities in fraction for batch tracked stock item
Can't enter quantities in fraction for batch tracked stock item
3 votes -
View uploaded Documents and Receipts in Expense Edit mode
I would like to be able to quickly view the files I have uploaded while on the "Edit" screen of an expense (or other Item). As it is, I have to save the edit, return to the main entry, then click on the uploaded files to view them. If I want to add a note or change something based on what is in the document, I have to re enter "Edit" mode to do so.
TLDR: Open/Preview uploaded documents from the "Edit" screen.
3 votes -
subitems under the main Item
Give a option to add subitems under the main Item
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add stock on hand filters for items.
Make it so i can sort by stock on hand.
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3 votes
Project entries from Sales Invoice and Purchase Bills, very essential..
Allow project entries to be made from Sales Invoice and Purchase bills, right now Zoho only allows to enter from "Expenses". We want to enter it on accrual basis and not on cash basis.
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to incorporate cheque printing option with zoho book
Cheque printing option from Zoho Book
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3 votes
3 votes
barcode for Estimate and Invoice numbers
Putting a Barcode would be a great idea.
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Toggle for OPEN instead of FINAL AMOUNT
In purchase order, it would be nice if there was a Toggle option to remove the Final amount completely in PDF and email. So when the receiver gets it. They can see the list of items and their respective values. But where the total is supposed to be it just says "OPEN".
Reason: When renting out equipment, the rates can change from month to month. So we prefer to send the PO with keeping the final amount as OPEN, so as to change it when the Invoice would come.
That would be a much appreciated option and our company requires…
3 votes -
Multiple PO from a single SO & PO cycle
We are a organization where a single SO are to be converted to many PO. As of now, there is provision of single SO converted to a single PO.
We need to maintain the cycle from raising the SO to PO. In the PO section, i am unable to see which SO has it be raised from. Need to give a read only feature in PO, where SO number is mentioned. Once clicked on it, the SO opens up directly, rather searching the SO in SO section,3 votes -
Editar la plantilla de pagos realizados
Poder editar las plantillas de los Pagos realizados
3 votes -
Create a items sold to customer or customer usage report
Need a report listing the items sold to each customer and the quantity of each item sold sort-able by day month year etc.
3 votes -
Bill Template: Account Visibility for Items in View Mode
In the Bill vies is Missing the option to view the Account assigned to every item. We suppose this could be easy to manage in the Bill Template Settings . This feature is necessary for Accountants an other colleagues for a quick chec, Approval or editing.
3 votes -
Add fonctionality
I use ZOHO since few months for my business and I have identified some improvement.
Is it possible to add some options to ZOHO in order to be more efficient?
We have the needs below :
- To Incorporate lines for titles in cost estimate and invoices.
- To Print cost estimate and invoices without the cost only with the designation
- To Link automatically every cost estimate lines to the project (instead of manually)
- To Add a schedule to a cost estimate ( with a date for the beginning and the end of the work)
- To…3 votes
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