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234 results found

  1. can you provide generation of barcode for item listed in zoho books or inventory. now a days barcode is compulsory.

    can you provide generation of barcode for item listed in zoho books or inventory. now a days barcode is compulsory and at the time of sale of any item barcode of particular item is necessary. so please add this feature in inventory

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  2. Change the way you handle price list

    Sorry to tell you that but the way you handle the price list and prices for items is not good at all...

    I am dealing with 3 currencies and exchange rates, Having to export my items to a cvs file then modify ONE FILE per currency is just a pain....

    Why dont you let us set the prices per item for all the currency and add a text box saying something like "Overwrite default exchange rate" or "use system currency exchange" to calculate the price.

    Working with CSV is really a pain especially when adding new items on a daily…

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  3. 1. The alias and description options, like in Tally, are not available 2. Binary search or part of Item name search is not available. For eg

    1. The alias and description options, like in Tally, are not available
    2. Binary search or part of Item name search is not available. For eg, if the SKU or Item name is ' D.C. motor plug' then if I write motor, plug or dc in search/bill creation then it doesn't show/populate in the field
    3. If I create composite items then it has to be bundled each time, so the option of auto-bundle should be available. More importantly, if I create a bundle or if it will get auto-bundled in the future release then the items used in this bundle should at…
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  4. Option to add a web link to an item

    It would be great feature to have the option of adding a web link when creating any item. Since most invoicing has now become web based with very little printing, it would be useful to allow the customer to click on the item name and then be directed to any web page. This web page could be anything, you tube video of how to use the product, google drive folder with all brochures, MSD Sheets, warranties etc or even just single pdf brochures.

    I am sure customers will love such interactive invoices in a world where everyone just hates the…

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  5. 6 votes

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  6. Plural form for item units

    It would be very helpful to save an item unit with its singular and plural form.
    For example:
    Item unit is "piece":

    If we quote for 1 piece, invoice/estimate shows "1 piece".
    If we quote for 2 and more pieces, invoice/estimate shows "2 piece".

    It should change automatically to the saved plural form and mention " 2 pieces". Looks more professionell to clients.

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  7. Create Customer Groups with the ability to restrict item categories by customer group.

    Create the ability to restrict items that can be sold to a Group of customers. Ex. not be able to sell wholesale items to retail customers.

    Also, it would be helpful to restrict items by user roles. There are items we don't want some employees to see or be able to accidentally add to sales orders.

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  8. In templates don't insert page break in the middle of line item descriptions

    Our line items' descriptions often have several rows with text and when viewing the estimate/sales order/invoice as pdf the page break doesn't take line items in consideration, the page can break in the middle of a line item which makes it very hard to read. Please have the automated page break take line items in consideration and break the page either before or after a line item's description.

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  9. Search with wildcards

    It should be possible to search with wildcards. We have a database with 12000+ items.

    Example: I want to add 'Stamp ABC 123 17mm' to a quote

    When I search for 'stamp' it gives me 400+ results
    Being able to enter 'stamp*17mm' or 'stamp%17mm' or 'stamp&17mm' and then narrowing the result list down to the matching results would really help!

    So please add a possibility to search for multiple parts in an item name description with one request.

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  10. price list

    When a price list is de-activated, all the contacts that had that list assigned automatically just stop having an active list assigned. Now I need to go contact by contact by contact re assigning the new list... so that I don't need to do it every time that contact makes a purchase.

    My solution:
    If a new price list is created and the old one is deactivated, the system should ask something like: "do you want to re assign a specific list to all customers who had assigned this list you're about to disable"?.


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  11. Purchase Bill entry

    I've an issue with Purchase Bill entry.

    While adding an Item under the Purchase Bill, Item details tab shows no item (I've already entered the items and created Sales Invoices with them). And then I clicked "Add New Item" and entered the details, while saving that Item details its showing "Item already exist". I cant add item details to the Purchase Bill.

    Stuck with this issue. Please help me to fix this.

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  12. Allow items to have add-on pricing beyond just the rate.

    Sometimes a service has a mandatory fee, in addition to the rate per unit. It would be helpful if such fees could be built into the price of an item.

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  13. Customer wise item name

    There should be an option where part code of customer could be printed along with the item name and description. For example, item name QQQ from our company could be billed as KKK to customer X and the same item could be billed as HHH to customer Y.

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  14. Editable Item Groups/Assemblies

    We would love to be able to create groups of items (or assemblies) that we can actually view and edit while creating an estimate or invoice. Ideally this would include the ability to change the quantity and price for each line item in the group AND be able to hide the line item breakdown from the client.

    For example, the client would see "Total Travel Expenses" and a price. While creating the estimate/invoice, we would see and be able to edit the mileage, meals, and lodging line items that comprise the total travel expense assembly/group.

    Pretty please?!

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  15. Historic of sales and purchase prices of an item

    When changing item price eiteir sale or purchase , it will be helpful to have the list of prices applied since it creation to evaluate the price trend for the item .

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  16. zoho app for scanning QR/Bar Code

    For Inward & Outward of items, instead of typing, please add zoho app for scanning QR/Bar Code to quickly add in the Bills & Invoices through mobile camera/picture or web camera instead of using third party bar code scanners.

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  17. Need to create item groups (this will have multiple items in a group)

    Items will be grouped into an item group and the item group needs to have the ability to have an price list adjustment as well. As of now you can only add price list to the whole contact account and not the individual item (or group)

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  18. items on sales order report

    I would like to be able to get a report on items that are on sales order.

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  19. Bulk uploading of item images

    be able to upload and assign images in bulk, specially if uploading items through the Excel sheet provided by Zoho.

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