Zoho Books
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6829 results found
Invoice templates : Hide organisation logo only on print (keep on PDFs)
We print invoices on branded papers. Is it possible to keep the logo when outputting to PDF and hide it when sending to the printer ?
4 votes -
Tracking pixel for invoice - shows open
Each invoice e-mail sent to EACH user should have a tracking pixel embedded so the administrator can tell when an e-mail has been view as well as when an attachment or link has been clicked to track viewing of invoices as attachments as well as opens by users. This information would then be presented as part of a color coded history shown for each invoice just like Freshbooks (shown here). This way your customers can NEVER say they haven't seen an e-mail when you know they have downloaded the attachment and opened the e-mail multiple times (all tracked by user).…
19 votes -
More details of activity on an invoice (similar to Freshbooks)
Every activity on an invoice (credit card charged, credit rejected, invoice sent, etc) should be listed in a history area for each invoice. This is similar to what you see in Freshbooks here: http://screencast.com/t/cAFr0gIG
As part of this I also suggest the following general codes to be shown (and color coded for easier viewing): http://screencast.com/t/VSRURH6xHD
23 votes -
Credit card rejections - send e-mail to administrator
Right now credit card rejections are ONLY sent to the end user(s) whose card has been rejected. Ideally the administrator (or an identified user) should also receive a rejection notice via e-mail when credit cards are rejected along with the reason code. Really all you need to do is CC the client rejection e-mail to the administrator.
18 votes -
A read-receipt option inside of Zoho books when emailing out invoices would be very helpful in streamlining our tasks
Read-Receipt option inside Zoho Books
13 votes -
Marking project complete
Request you to enable an option to staff for marking the task as complete and a mail should go to the admin for confirmation of the same
5 votes -
42 votes -
There should be option to make adjustment of amount in Bills. Just like the one in invoice. Many vendors while taking payment from credit ca
There should be option to make adjustment of amount in Bills and Credit notes. Just like the one in invoice. Many vendors while taking payment from credit ca
7 votes -
It would be good if reminders can be sent to staff based on progress of work
2 votes -
Recurring Invoice Value Report
Create a report that shows the dollar ($) value of a company's total number of recurring invoices. This would allow better cash flow forecasting.
7 votes -
Connection between administrator and more condominium (clients)
We have clients that are condominiums and they have an administrator, so we would like to have a connection so we'll can filter a lot of things about the administrator: the lists of condominium connect with him, the estimates, the invoices, etc...
6 votes -
to have a feature to automatically create interest invoices for unpaid invoices
Please add a feature to automatically create interest invoices for unpaid invoices . this is urgently needed
5 votes -
Create/Edit Account Type under Chart of Accounts.
We need an option create new account type and modify the existing account type as per our requirements under the Chart of Accounts.
36 votes -
discount on purchase order
We negociate discount for our order on a daily basis. The base price for the item is always the same, it is just the discount that we get that changes.
Please add a discount box on purchase order, would make life so much easier..
thank you
63 votes -
Add 'Delivered' or 'Received' as a status in Purchase Orders
Instead of converting a purchase order to a bill, it would be nice of one can simply mark it as delivered so that the view can be filtered to exclude these. At the moment one needs to cancel the order to be able to filter out the delivered purchase orders.
9 votes -
View sent estimates and invoices
It would be great if one could view the body of historic emails sent through the estimates and invoices modules. A link to this email can be placed in the updates above the invoice or estimate. "9 Jun 2015 06:25 PM Estimate emailed to mail@mail.com. Click here to view email"
12 votes -
Gostaria de Poder Colocar as Fotos dos Productos para poder identificar melhor os mesmo...
Gostaria de Poder Colocar as Fotos dos Productos para poder identificar melhor os mesmo...
1 vote -
Filter by User in Time Tracking
When i go into the Timesheet module and look at all time sheets, either in the list view or calendar view, as an admin I see everyone's time.
But needing to also track time myself - I have no way to just see my own time. There is no filter by user.
So whenever I am catching up on my time tracking entries - I have to run a timesheet detail report for myself and then bounce back and forth between two views to make sure I am not double entering time or missing an entry.
I should just be…
11 votes -
9 votes
Customised Number Formatting as per South Africa Regional - R # ##0.00
There is 1 234,56 but not 1 234.56 (dot vs comma)
1 vote
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