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6817 results found

  1. to add Bills of Material for Production, and issue to production RM & PM for making FG, so that we can use it for our manufacturing plant

    we would like to use this product for our manufacturing plant, the work flow
    Materila Inwd in Rm & PM stores---create FG----Create BOM for FG-----Issue RM & PM for Prodn-----Stock effect-----Materail eceipt in FG------increase stk of FG-----sale

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  2. Need option to enter customer invoice / Vendor Bill adjustments in Manual Journal

    For example customer has paid $990 instead of the invoice value of $1000 and $10 pending as outstanding for many months. Now I want to write-off this $10 by crediting Customer account and debiting Bad Debts. Please provide this option

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  3. I would like to add cost to items already created

    I create items when my supplier invoices me. However, the transportation bill comes from a different company like one month later. Then depending on the sale I make there are different costs involved. So If I could keep adding costs to a particular item, I would be able to figure out the total cost of that product which would be very convenient.

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  4. Add a revision system to the estimation system

    so that you can issue revised quotes but still be able to "convert to invoice" any of the previous revisions. This way you dont have to recreate the estimate when the customer goes with an earlier version.

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  5. Add billable/non-billable hours indicator to timesheet calendar view.

    We can see the total number of hours recorded for a given month on the calendar view of the timesheet. It would be very helpful to see a split between billable and non-billable hours on both the overall monthly total as well as the weekly totals. As it stands, we need to run reports any time we want an accurate total of billables for the month. This is cumbersome.

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  6. An image of signature should be posted while generating invoices, estimates and documents

    An image of signature should be posted on all generated invoices, estimates and documents

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  7. Add facility to enter discount (% + amount) at line item level. Its very common in industry. Buyer gets discount itemwise.

    Add facility to enter discount (% + amount) on Purchase Bill, at line item level. Its very common in industry. Buyer gets discount itemwise.

    There is not any option to enter discount (given by supplier) itemwise on Purchase bill/ purchase order. Its a must have features. Basic invoicing features missing in zohobooks.

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    3 comments  ·  Invoices  ·  Admin →
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  8. Add a template that has invoice and delivery note/ delivery challan on the same page

    Add a template that has invoice and delivery note/ delivery challan on the same page

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  9. Print out in A5 Format

    to save paper need prinout in A5 format. that will save papers usage and would be environment friendly also.

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  10. Combine multiple bank entries for single transaction

    When there is an uncategorised bank transaction it can be associated with multiple transaction for matching. The vice versa is not possible. For e.g. when payment to 2 or more telephone bills are made number wise, separate entries is recorded in bank statement. Whereas in Zoho books one entry is sufficient to record it as telephone expenses. This does not help in matching the expenses entry with bank entries, as in bank there are multiple entries. It would be better if multiple bank entries can be combined for matching a single transaction.

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  11. city and county tax

    can we add additional tax rate for city and one for county jurisdictions, not just state?

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  12. enter amount and Books finds rate

    Enter a amount in the Amount column (Total Price of an item) the Books calculate the Rate (Price each)

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  13. 8 votes

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  14. Invoice Ref Number is not printed in Credit Note

    When creating Credit Notes, the Invoice number for which the credit note is being given has to be referenced and printed on the PDF. This should be mandatory information. As of now, it is not so in Zoho Books.

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  15. BS account mapping for Service Sales

    This is a simple enough one. While mapping the account for a service, the system allows only the P&L items of Revenue nature. While there are certain business cases where a BS item should be used. (Accrued Sales)
    Hence please enable this feature.

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  16. Cancellation of Partially used sales order

    I can cancel partially used sales order with items as goods.
    But when the items in the sales order is services, I am not able to cancel partially invoiced sales order. Don't know why they kept it. The answer I am getting from the support team is that currently it is not possible. I don't know what logic is behind it. And don't know if the option is available for goods, why they can't roll it out to services. We are an IT services company & because of this issue, I am creating all items as GOODS. Hope you will…

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  17. Implement the creation of a common task list for all projects

    The user should be able to implement and utilize a common task list for all projects to simplify time entry on a project. This would be useful for users who regularly utilize the same tasks over and over. This would enable the user to avoid having to re-create the same tasks for every new project.

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  18. I would like to add profit and loss monthly and yearly comparison basis as percentage (%).

    I would like to have percentage right side of profit and loss statement (%) of comparing between periods.

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  19. 18 votes

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  20. Quick Edit for Sales Orders/Invoices to edit summary data only

    We have many Sales Order/Invoices that contain hundreds of line items, which makes them very slow to edit. We would like to see an option to edit only the Sales Order / Invoice summary details in order to speed up the edit, as it can take MINUTES to edit 1 field eg Salesperson as the system can be exceptionally slow for these large orders.

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