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6817 results found

  1. Add a report showing how "Cost of Goods sold" journals are calculated.

    So you have journals hitting "Cost of Goods Sold" account but users do not have access to see the make up of that journal.

    And there is currently no report for this.

    The system is doing the calculation in the background, but users just do not have access to it.

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  2. accounts balance showing window on transactions

    while selecting an account the balance of that account should showcased under. those features are available in tally erp 9 . it would be very helpful while making transactions.

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  3. Can we have the portal access for vendors too so that they can fill in their details

    Can we have the portal access for vendors too so that they can fill in their details

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  4. duplicate item in invoice

    Is there anyway that we get an error when an item with same sku is entered again in an invoice? This was instead of making two enteries of the same sku only the quantity of the item can be increased.

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  5. Add Edit Inventory Adjustment Journal

    An inventory adjustment made earlier should be able to be edited not by deleting and re doing it by by changing details of maybe one line item

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  6. One Inventory for multiple Books

    Currently only one book can be synchronized with an inventory. We want to connect one Inventory with multiple Books licenses.

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  7. Number range

    We need our own number range for the delivery note.

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  8. The salesperson should not be adaptable

    The salesperson should not be adaptable, it should be filled automatically. This way it can be avoided that someone writes invoices or creates credit notes in the bottle name.

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  9. Logging the exact time a sales order is made

    Add a feature to log the exact time a sales order is made which is only seen by someone as an admin user.

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  10. Provide option to view unbilled hours in terms of total $ in the project summary on the dashboard

    In the Projects section of the Dashboard, I can view how many hours are currently unbilled, but as different projects (and tasks) often have different hourly rates, it would be helpful to me to be able to see the total unbilled $ associated with these projects (and not just the # unbilled hours). This would help me have a sense of what to expect cash flow wise with my next set up of invoices and not have to click into each project and then tally them up to do so!

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  11. Modo de llevar presupuesto de gastos vs gastos reales

    Modo de llevar presupuesto de gastos vs gastos reales

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  12. Generate a pop up alert when a customer is chosen when creating an invoice or quote

    It would be helpful if a pop up alert is generated when a customer is chosen when creating an invoice or quote. For example if customer is no longer able to purchase due to a bad debt or past due account.

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  13. Deleted Record

    There should be an exception report which only shows the deleted record so admin can know immediately that some transactions are deleted from the system. This should be on top priority so should have separate report option.

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  14. 3 votes

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  15. There is a need to change the font type in the section Retainer Invoice -> Bank details

    There is a need to change the font type in the section Retainer Invoice -> Bank details

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  16. job progress invoice

    its must needed feature for all construction companies.

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  17. Template Package: why not more templates and more customization?

    My request is to have more Package templates, with the same styles of other documents (Quote, Invoice, etc.) and have the same possibilities of customization of them.
    At moment there's just one template and with just few editables fields.

    Many customers ask to us this feature,

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  18. Envelope and label printing

    Many times we need to post hard copy of invoice/ Delivery Challan so for that there should be envelope printing and label printing option. so we can directly print it from zoho books.

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  19. Deletion of Items associated with Zoho Checkout Payment Pages

    Please, solve the problem that the payment pages created in Zoho Checkout cannot be deleted just like Items in Zoho Books associated with them.
    At the moment one can only mark the payment pages as inactive in Zoho Checkout, and after that also mark the items as inactive in Zoho Books.

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  20. Please create Mileage calculator using a map for mileage reimbursement.

    Tracking mileage to be reimbursed when not using a company car.

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