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6817 results found

  1. Prevent Custom data of Customer from changing retro actively

    I am not sure why the data changes retroactively on older invoices why other data like addresses don't. It should be an option to change them retroactively or not.

    Or just don't . An invoice is already released and major data like this in it should not just change retroactively just because the customer changed something in his details. It's neither accurate or legal as the invoice which you already issued , has now changed.

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  2. Integration with Transferwise

    Integration with Transferwise for overseas transfers is very very important.
    They also offer the Transferwise mastercard which is hugely useful for international business transactions, please integrate Zoho books transaction feed with Transferwise

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  3. In Setup, open view of users at active only

    Right now in setup you see all users, active and inactive. This is not a preferred view of users in setup, as I see people that I've inactivated years ago. What use is it to see them now? Just clutters the screen. Your software needs to be able to allow us to look at a list of users with a default of active users only. There should also be a filter or checkbox to allow for the list to be or to include the inactive users, but this view should be secondary. This goes for everywhere users are located in…

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  4. Set default payment terms globally for all vendors

    Right now, you have to go into a vendor account in edit mode, select their payment terms, then set a default in the list of payment terms. That's a roundabout way to set global defaults. There should be an area where global defaults are set for vendors without having to first enter the edit mode of a vendor record.

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  5. Rental Inventory

    Manage Rental Inventory
    We need a Zoho solution to manage rental stock. We have customers wanting to rent products & return

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  6. Categorize Manually: Categories - Splitting & GST Codes

    None of the Categories in Categorize Manually allows you to Split the transcations to a number of different GL Accounts & select a GST code for each of the account. Eg. I have EFT payment transferred to our Bank Account as a lump sum. I need to split this into various GL Accounts. Some of the amounts are GST Inclusive whilst others are Free or Exempt. Therefore I cannot use any of the Catergories in the Categorize Manually as none have the ability to do this. Some will let you split the amount but then can't assign a GST Code.…

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    I pushed june month gstr1 data from zoho to gst portal. then there where one mistake, i currected it in zoho but can't save it saying pushed data cannot be edited. so i edited that from gst portal and filed from there. once again i came back to zoho for filing another quater gstr1 at that time its disabled and massage showing as "GSTR-1 filing for the selected month will be opened only after you file the GSTR-1 for the previous month in GSTN portal and mark the return as filed in Zoho Books." even i already filed that gstr1…

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    I pushed june month gstr1 data from zoho to gst portal. then there where one mistake, i currected it in zoho but can't save it saying pushed data cannot be edited. so i edited that from gst portal and filed from there. once again i came back to zoho for filing another quater gstr1 at that time its disabled and massage showing as "GSTR-1 filing for the selected month will be opened only after you file the GSTR-1 for the previous month in GSTN portal and mark the return as filed in Zoho Books." even i already filed that gstr1…

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  9. An option that while an invoice is in draft status the corresponding sales order cant be automatically changed to closed status.

    An option that while an invoice remains in draft status the corresponding sales order cant be automatically changed to closed status until the invoice is actually sent. Or an internal email template could be raised on the invoice without the actual invoice being marked as sent This is because an invoice is raised by one person but checked by another before sending to the customer.

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  10. dedicated button for bank feeds refresh in main banking overview

    hi there, could be possible to add a dedicated button for bank feeds refresh in the main banking overview page? or in alternative in the quick drop down menu next to each bank account without entering it and going trough the gear.... thank you

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  11. print purchase receive orders

    print purchase receive orders

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  12. Add journal view to inventory adjustments

    Allow viewing of the journal behind the inventory adjustment (like is currently available for invoices, payments, etc., and show the journal number that was assigned.

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  14. Better handling of multiple logos in templates. Background logo is clumsy as it auto sizes.

    I have different brands under one company. I need document templates showing different company logos. The 'organisation' logo is therefore useless. A 'quick' fix would be to allow uploaded images to be placed in header table cells to allow more predictable placement.

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  15. In RCM invoicing please make sure the GST amt and percentage shows near RCM total amount instead of showing in the billing columns.

    in RCM invoicing gst should be shown near rcm payable amount instead of showing in billing columns, if gst amt and gst percentage is removed we can use that space for any other options.
    please add this option if u get more votes

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  16. We need to be able to record the customer advances received. So these should be linkable to the Sales Order that is being generated.

    We need to be able to record the customer advances received. So these should be linkable to the Sales Order that is being generated. This is the most common practice followed across industries, where a PO is received, and we send a Sales Order / Proforma Invoice and then the advance payment is received, which needs to be recorded and linked to a Sales Order

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  17. image description

    In estimates and invoices we would like to be able to upload an image beside the description so our client can visually see what they're purchasing. at the moment, there isn't any way I can input an image.

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  18. client portal mail button

    Currently, when a customer clicks the "Mail" button at the bottom of the Client Portal, it sends the message to the master user (in our case, the owner of the company). We need to redirect this to our Sales address, so the boss is not overwhelmed with emails from customers.

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  19. Composite items on Sales order become the single items on Purchase order as an option

    When converting a Sales Order to a Purchase Order the composite items on the Sales Order should become the single elements of the composite item. An option on the composite items could switch this option on/off.

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  20. Sales & Purchases - Should be Customers & Suppliers

    I am not sure why on ZoHo books - Customers are called Sales and Supplieres are called Puchases??? This root is adding 2 extra clicks 100's of times each and every day we use books. We have to click on sales then on customers and the same thing for the suppliers.

    You should replace Sales with Customers - when clicking on customers tab then the tab will open with Estimates, Sales Orders, Packages Invoices etc.

    Can zoho team make this change asap as it will save zoho users hours of work for every user each year????

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