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175 results found

  1. I would like to see the Client as the first option in Log Time screen.

    If I have the Project name "support" for multiple clients I cannot tell the difference in the Log Time Screen. It would be helpful to select the client and then the project rather than starting with the project.

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  2. Addition of units measurements for payments in projects and keeping a track

    In the project section, can payment terms not be in units of Kgs of job done, as some contracts might be paid in kgs of items prepared for the client. it could spill over to estimates too.

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  3. BOQ

    Hi, Is there an option if i can make BOQs



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  4. Enhanced timesheet entries list in client portal

    1. Add username to the timesheet entries list in client portal. 2. Allow filter by Date Ranges, Tasks, Users 3. Add Sort options 4. Allow for export / print.
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  5. have the ability to close project tasks

    It would be really helpful to be able to make project tasks closed so time can no longer be booked to parts of a project that have been completed.
    If this was a tick box then if a task was ticked it could be unavailable in the time entry.

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  6. something happened with a recent update. When entering timesheets the "notes" box is now very tiny.

    something happened with a recent update. When entering timesheets the "notes" box is now very tiny. Please make box bigger so we can see the details we are entering.

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  7. Create the ability to enter Expense refunds when working with projects. I'm perplexed as to why this simple data input isn't available.

    Being a small Business contractor interested in the bottom line on individual jobs and know if there profitable; projects can accumulate a large amount of receipts, Zoho Projects allows for this data entry and the ability to run reports like Profit and Loss along with many others to actually see how the job is coming along. without the ability to input Expense Refunds inhibits any practical use for this feature in Zoho Books altogether making reports inaccurate.

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  8. Fetch time from Projects to People for Payroll Timesheets

    AUTOMATICALLY fetch the time entered into PROJECTS as timesheet in PEOPLE for actual attendance and time tracking

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  9. Track hourly rates at the billed level and paid level in projects

    If I charge my customers for direct hours and charge them $40 per hour and I pay my employees $20 then I should be able to track that just like an item.

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  10. we should be able to attached documents like PDF and JPG files with all sales and purchase bills or invoice, which we should be able to mail

    Per Entry we should be able to add related PDF / documents and Jpg files with each sales invoice and while mailing clients our invoice we should be able to attach them. i.e. when doing some projects, sending an invoice only is not a requirements, but they are also asking for challan signed copy, AWB copy or when it was delivered etc etc, getting those details from the physical files becomes hectic and time consuming job. This will help to send all the data to client via mail on a single click.

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  11. Task wise Cost budgeting, allocation and tracking

    In case of a project where Budgets are decided based on the Tasks to be done, while creating a task an option is to be provided to update budget of such task and while booking the expenses, it should be allowed to map such task to know the amount spent till date and amount to be spent to arrive at the correct forecast about project profits.

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  12. Allow association of specific income account with individual project tasks.

    We track our income on a more granular level than "sales." However, we must manually adjust the associated income account for each line item in an invoice (because we itemize individual days of work). It would be nice if, when a project is created, individual tasks could be pre-associated with income accounts. "Sales" would presumably be the default, as many organizations most likely do collect all income under this account. For those that do not, such as ours, this would mean that we would have fewer steps to handle bookkeeping when we submit invoices.

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  13. I would like to be able to post negative time against a project in Zoho Project. So I can see what has been CR to the cust. in Projects.

    I have billed time in Zoho Timesheet and issued the customer an Invoice in Books. Customer disputes it, I issue a CR Note in Books, but I also want to be able to log a negative timesheet in Zoho Timesheet so that anyone can see what has been credited back. This would show a wash out from the orginal Zoho Timesheets so it's a balance entry. Entry in and then a entry out.

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  14. Inventory Items on Projects

    Having the ability to added inventory items to a project would be super helpful! I know there is the option to associate projects to bills but most items we have in inventory, have already be paid for at an earlier time and so we just charge the customer at the time of the project. So, associating a project to bills, doesn't really help us.

    Could this be added?

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  15. search by custom date

    When looking for projects in the overview, we can only use predefined date settings. These are today, this week, this month, this quarter, this year or all of these but with "last" instead.

    Would be very useful if we could search using custom date.

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  16. Remove Inactive Projects from default view

    Under projects, could the default setting show only active projects and inactive projects can be accessed separately?

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  17. Add new 'Cost' field to timesheet, project and accounting reports.

    Add new 'Cost' field to timesheet reports. We are spending time creating labor costing data, but we cannot get the data out of Zoho. This is a poor implementation to add a field and not add it to ANY reports. Priority fix should be made to this.

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  18. Change colour of paused task to yellow or orange

    When a timed task is running, it is green. When you pause it, it remains green, so it's possible to miss this fact. Can we please change it to yellow or orange to indicate it's not running?

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  19. Item Rate Contract Monitoring

    In contracting industry, billing is based on item rates. We should be able to open project based on item rate contract and not on hours.;;

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  20. Provide a field for POs in Project setup

    Add tracking info to the Projects setup.

    Provide a field to for a PO# when creating a new Project. The Invoice template should retrieve the field name and value when we're billing for the project. The Project list/report should also display the PO.
    A field for a Job Number or Docket would also help.

    Anyone working freelance as a copywriter, graphic designer, web developer, etc, would be accustomed to using these features for timesheets and for billing.

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