Zoho Books
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237 results found
Tags in Payment Made or Received
It is important to be able to assign tags during a payment made or received, otherwise, once you filter by tags in your balance sheet or profit & loss report, you won't see them.
1 vote -
Allow for staged payments
We offer the following payment terms:
50% Upon Order
40% 1 Week before Delivery
10% Upon Delivery Of GoodsAll estimates and invoices to show these terms clearly with Due Dates.
When a payment is received, the invoice will show that the payment is received, the date paid and remaining balance.
5 votes -
PARTIAL payment email notification
Currently payment notification emails look identical whether the customer has paid in full or partially which leads to confusion.
Partial payment's should be communicated clearly in the notification and ideally in the subject too e.g. "PARTIAL PAYMENT RECEIVED - INV-5677"
3 votes -
I Request Zoho Team to Integrate Google pay and Phone pay and UPI id paymets in the payments intergration to receive and send payments.
I Request Zoho Team to Integrate Google pay, Phone pay and UPI id paymets in the payments intergration to receive and send payments.
2 votes -
Adding Bank Fees as expense when we make a transfer to a vendor through payments made
Adding Bank Fees as expense when we make a transfer to a vendor through payments made . in many times there is a bank fees for the transfer done by the bank . we should process these fees in the same transaction as it is in the same transfer document .
6 votes -
Payment record Approval
When a customer Pays his invoice either by Cash/Bank/NEFT
The staff person records the payment.
We wish if there was an option for approving this payment by Admin or other staff. By this process the mistake/fraud of recording payment reduces.1 vote -
Forte Bank / Credit selection option at customer or invoice level.
Add the Credit Card & Bank Account selection option to the invoice level for Forte. Similar to how Paypal has a Business and Personal selector. Add check marks to allow payment via either credit card, bank account or both.
6 votes -
Button to Apply Credits from Vendor Advance
Apply Credits from Vendor Advance (same for Customer Advance), If there is a button to Apply Automatic the available balance from top to bottom, instead of punch in amount individualy, it would be much easier.
3 votes -
payments received
balance on payment receipt screen after payment received
1 vote -
Payment made - apply a discount if customer pays earlier / e.g : 2% if paid within 7 or 15 day
would be great to be able to apply a discount on the payment interface without having to enter it bill by bill.
e.g : 2% if paid within 7 or 15 day
1 vote -
Set default payment terms globally for all vendors
Right now, you have to go into a vendor account in edit mode, select their payment terms, then set a default in the list of payment terms. That's a roundabout way to set global defaults. There should be an area where global defaults are set for vendors without having to first enter the edit mode of a vendor record.
2 votes -
Payment filter
I don't know if this is possible but I can't find the right option to filter payments by date.
I want to see an specific report that tells me which clients pays the first week of the month, which ones the second and so on.1 vote -
Expenses by currency
Why is there no ability to filter expenses by currency?
Zoho clearly captures the information so it is just a question of adding Expense Amount (FCY) as a field that can be used in specifying the criteria for any filtering.
Quick change, quick win for me.
2 votes -
Add dynamic statement descriptor in Stripe API for payments through ZOHO.
Stripe supports dynamic statement descriptors with their API. This will enable customers (with applicable banks) to see a dynamic reference on their credit card statements. This can be incredibly useful for corporate or government card holders in their reconciliation processes. Highly suggest using the Invoice# as the number to report in dynamic reference.
The relevant API data field is: "statement_descriptor". Currently in Stripe API, this is being reported as null.3 votes -
Expected payment date to be transfered to payment gateway (especially GocardLess)
Expected payment date (or payment term) is a big part of a BtoB sales and is used in the negociation with the customer. It is supported by the Z Books invoice but the date is then not transmitted to the payment gateway. The gateway then triggers an immediate payment and do not respect the information in the original invoice.
That's a big problem for the BtoB markets!Please add the latest payment date in the gateway interface (I know that Gocardless accepts a date in the future to trigger the payment)!!
1 vote -
GoCardless US
Ass support for GoCardless in the US as they are now offering their services in the US.
3 votes -
add a feild for fees like=rollback(give a 2% discount to your customers if they pay invoice or when payments received using payment gateway
add a feild for fees like:
rollback =give a 2% discount to your customers if they pay invoices within 10 days from the date of the invoice
or when payments received using payment gateway
ex :
payement received 1000$
invoices amont 1020$
2% rollback = 1000$ systhem is expecting 1020$
what is to do with the 20$ ?1 vote -
Include a payment voucher template so that one can either print to be attached to the cheque before the cheques are authorised for payments.
Whatever is there is a payment voucher after paying the bills..please include before.1 vote -
Customize Payment page
The ability to customize Zoho Books payment page would be a huge benefit to everyone. It makes it look more professional. Currently, it looks very outdated and we have had a few customers ask if it was our payment page or not.
1 vote -
Payment made report and use with supplier address and window envelope
When making a Payment by means of a Check Payment, it is common for business to MAIL those checks with a payment advise by using a window envelope. There is no way to print / make such a payment made report to show the supplier name and address.
This exists for a sales payment !!! It look inconsistent.
1 vote
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