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374 results found

  1. Notify the user if bank automatic syncing has been broken

    My bank feed auto-sync was broken months ago -still not sure how as I didn't change any of my login/authorization info- and did not realize it. Now I have to import and manually enter every transaction since the point it was broken.
    I understand that broken feeds happen and sometimes aren't the fault of Zoho. But, at the very least an email notification that a feed has been broken for 48 hrs or so could save people a whole heap of trouble later on.

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  2. Allow transaction rules to be copied to other bank accounts

    For businesses with multiple bank accounts, it would save time to be able to copy/duplicate transaction rules from one account to another.

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  3. Bank Reconciliation Reports - Cleared and Uncleared Checks

    It would be useful if Zoho has:
    1. Ability to print Bank recs report both for cleared and uncleared checks for certain period.
    2. Ability to print report from Advanced Search under banking cor certain period with a mark of Cleared transaction and Uncleared transactions

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  4. Enter in an opening balance that is not imported. I have no money owed and I owe no money

    Show how to enter in an opening balance that is not imported. I have no money owed and I owe no money but have money in checking.
    Need to open with current balance without any accounting voodoo.
    a Simple input is not needed for most because of the amount of credit taken and given by business. We don't offer or use credit. You pay, you get. I pay, I get. Simple.

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  5. Make it possible to move a transaction from one organization to another.

    We have one set of bank accounts and credit cards. We run our personal finances through these accounts, but also a therapy practice as well as a rental property.

    We need to be be able to import one set of financial records and allocate to these three different "businesses" which I have set up as Organizations in Zoho or should they be sub-categorized in the chart of accounts instead?

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  6. Direct / Automatic Bank Feed & Sync

    Please allow direct feed updates for bank accounts (like PayPal) so it sync in the background and not require manual clicking of Sync button.

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  7. Add paperclip icon when a document is attached in banking transactions view so we can see where this is an attachment vs where one is needed

    Add paperclip icon when a document is attached in banking transactions view so we can easily see which line item/expense has a receipt attached or where this is an attachment vs where one is needed

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  8. 1 vote

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  9. able to update bank account final ballance and record the transaction detail later

    since mostly I open zoho books on android version, I find it not efficient for me to wirte down bank accounts final ballance, calculate the margin either plus or minus, and then enter that on zoho books.

    It would helped a lot if you just let me update the final ballance on zoho books, you (zoho) calculate the different and I assign the proper category for the transaction. Than I would be happy

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  10. Bank Feeds - reduce the number of clicks and default to todays date

    It takes 5 clicks to update a bank feed:
    1. Select the account
    2. Select Refresh Feeds or Sync now
    3. Select Date
    4. Pick the date
    5. Click Refresh

    This is very time consuming when you have multiple accounts (I have over 10).

    It would be better if:
    a) There was a quick refresh option on the Banking Overview screen defaulting to todays date - ideally for all bank accounts at once, or next to each account

    b) the date pop-up automatically defaulted to todays date - one can always move it back if required

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  11. Increase accuracy of currency exchange rate

    right now the zoho books uses only 6 symbols after a comma and decimal values it is so small for some currency

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  12. sales return needs to all you to specify which invoice is now unpaid

    A check from a customer bounces. Your solution is to have a current liability account for the money in and out. Why not simplify? If the Sales Return page had a list of paid invoices for this customer (like the record income page shows unpaid invoices), then this bounced check could be taken care of in one step - both the journal entry and the voided payment

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                                    SILK ZON
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  14. For PO and other functions: to be able to buy in USD and sell in CDN and still calculate our margin and other ratios.

    Canadian American Co need to work with multi currencies. When we order with PO, we should be able to work with a purchase in USD and my clients are Canadian, so sell in CDN. My other accounting program works multi currencies.

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  15. pls add in banking liability side BANK OD A/C as a loan

    I suggest u to add BANK OVERDRAFT feature as a LIABILITY under BANKING category

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  16. Integration with Transferwise

    Integration with Transferwise for overseas transfers is very very important.
    They also offer the Transferwise mastercard which is hugely useful for international business transactions, please integrate Zoho books transaction feed with Transferwise

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  17. Categorize Manually: Categories - Splitting & GST Codes

    None of the Categories in Categorize Manually allows you to Split the transcations to a number of different GL Accounts & select a GST code for each of the account. Eg. I have EFT payment transferred to our Bank Account as a lump sum. I need to split this into various GL Accounts. Some of the amounts are GST Inclusive whilst others are Free or Exempt. Therefore I cannot use any of the Catergories in the Categorize Manually as none have the ability to do this. Some will let you split the amount but then can't assign a GST Code.…

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  18. 1 vote

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  19. Categorize Transactions in iOS and Mac Apps

    I mostly use Zoho Books for keeping books, and as such, the vast majority of the time I spend with the service involves categorizing transactions. It would be extremely nice if I could do this on my iPhone, my iPad, or in the new Mac app, given that it's 99% of what I want to actually do with Zoho Books.

    I understand that the new Mac app is based on the iPad app, and that the lack of categorization carries over from there. However, it does feel a bit odd to have to leave a Mac application and go to…

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  20. Option to add a new rule to an existing rule

    make it possible to add an unrecognized transaction to a existing rule

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