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374 results found

  1. Insert a new category for Gift & Cashback income

    Insert a new category for Gift & Cashback income. There is no option for categorizing Gift & Cashback

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  2. DBS corporate bank link

    Hello Sir/Ma'am,

    Please add DBS corporate bank (DBS Ideal - linking for automatic fetch transaction and it is most helpful. I am using Zoho Books since last four years and i don't wont to leave zoho. So please add DBS bank.

    Thank you!

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  3. Dashboard

    It is great to have the option to choose the financial year. My requests are the following
    1. Provide options to choose the period (in the dashboard)
    2. Provide options to the bank accounts (one or multiple)

    Further, once we choose, the bank, it would be ideal to choose the dashboard out of the bank account. It will help to manage multiple bank accounts more effectively.

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  4. Credit Card Auto-Import Original Currency and Exchange Rate

    For foreign transactions on my credit card I cannot see the original value, but only the exchanged main currency value. I'd need to also original value, because that is what is written on the receipts I want to attach to it.

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  5. Ability to hide system accounts such as petty cash where not used

    At the moment, accounts such as petty cash and undeposited funds show up on the bank page, however they're annoying and cluttering when you don't use them. Please at least give the user the ability to remove these accounts or at least their visibility.

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  6. enable printing checks from the expense window

    We need to be able to print checks for expenses.

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  7. Please make YESBANK also for customer payments

    To collect payments from customer include YESBANK also

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  8. Tried linking Axis bank current account to our zoho books account. As of now, the link lands on savings account login page

    Tried linking Axis bank current account to our zoho books account. As of now, the link lands on savings account login page. In the case of ICICI, it lands in a common page & we are free to select any type of bank account like savings or current account. Please help.

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  9. Link Transfer Fund transactions to their corresponding transaction in the Transfer To account.

    When viewing Transfer Fund transactions in a Bank Account it would be nice to see the corresponding transaction in the other account. "Transfer to Another Account" transactions always involve a From account and a To account. To view both sides of the transfer, you have to back out of the From Account, navigate to the To Account and find the corresponding transaction. A simple hyperlink from a transfer transaction could take you directly to the corresponding entry in the other account.

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  10. It would be great to set extra rules for Best Matches in uncategorized bankstatement lines

    We import bankstatements and match them line by line. We handle a lot of invoices with the same amount and it would be great if we could add Payee and/or Invoice# (as description) to the rule of Best Matches.

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  11. Add UK credit card bank feed

    Since the introduction of the PSD2 directive, we have lost all bank feeds for UK credit cards.

    These were previously available via Yodlee but Zoho have now moved to Token for PSD2 compliant feeds.

    We are currently using Marks & Spencer (M&S Bank) due to their points incentive but we would be happy to move to any supported credit card in the UK.

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  12. Option to select Personal or Company when entering a Credit or Debit Card into Books. Or Equity In and Out instead of Asset and Expense

    I realize that someone else has pointed out this issue. Zoho Expense has already dealt with it so I guess we have to use both packages for the time being. However, it looks like Zoho Books has incorporated a bunch of Zoho Expense features already just didn't add the ability to select personal or business when adding debit or credit cards. Many small business owners may not vote on this feature because they don't realize how seriously it affects them. In Canada, if you link your personal credit cards the same way as a business debit or credit card, CRA…

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  13. About Loan

    Please try to include Loan Accounts in Banking Categorize field.

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  14. Add Bitcoin as a currency option. My company has started receiving bitcoin as payment for services.

    Add Bitcoin as a currency option. My company has started receiving bitcoin as payment for services and I need to simply track this in zoho.

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  15. Show account affected in banking transactions

    Right now you can see the Date, Reference#, Type, Status, Deposits, Withdrawals, and Running Balance columns for all transactions.

    I'd like to see the ability to add an additional column - "Account" or "Account Affected"

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  16. Payment Mode in Bank Reconcilliation

    Would be extremely helpful to have payment mode viewable when doing the bank rec. Not sure why you can not customize what you want to see in this procedure.

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  17. 1 vote

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  18. BANK C.C / O.D A/c

    There is not option to add bank c/c a/c or O/D Account.This is a basic function which must be in accounting software.

    Due to this limitation all financial reports are wrong generated and all reports are useless.

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  19. 1 vote

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  20. I would like to see a bank reconciliation format be included

    The ability to print a bank reconciliation in the format of
    Bank balance add deposits in transit less unpresented checks will be most a welcomed addition.

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