Categorize Manually: Categories - Splitting & GST Codes
None of the Categories in Categorize Manually allows you to Split the transcations to a number of different GL Accounts & select a GST code for each of the account. Eg. I have EFT payment transferred to our Bank Account as a lump sum. I need to split this into various GL Accounts. Some of the amounts are GST Inclusive whilst others are Free or Exempt. Therefore I cannot use any of the Catergories in the Categorize Manually as none have the ability to do this. Some will let you split the amount but then can't assign a GST Code. Some you can assign GST Code but you can't split it. The only way I am able to do this is to do a Journal then match that with the transaction in the Bank Account. Some of the Categories (eg Sales Without Invoice, Other Income, Deposits From Other Accounts) should give you the options to do this.