Zoho Invoice
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63 results found
Have the possibility to adjust reports, such as removing or limiting the width as to make a list
Have the possibility to adjust reports, such as removing or limiting the width as to make a list
1 vote -
please add quarterly/monthly to https://www.dropbox.com/s/sdw8tevzab6hu3e/Screenshot%202015-07-29%2011.50.20%282%29.png?dl=0
please add a quarterly/monthly option to https://www.dropbox.com/s/sdw8tevzab6hu3e/Screenshot%202015-07-29%2011.50.20%282%29.png?dl=0
1 vote -
Reporting for Merchindise Items by Category and Department
I'd like to be able to run a report by Department to see a breakdown of each area of my company. In addition within those departments I'd like to see a breakdown by Category. These area should be custom fields to reflect the companies setup.
For Example: Department - Gift Shop
Category - T-Shirt
Merchandise Name - Black Happy Small T-Shirt1 vote
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