Search functionality for the iOS and Android Apps.
For invoices and estimates equally. We Regularly estimate multiple jobs to the same client. The iOS app has no search feature that we have been able to find and does not display enough information in the estimates list, to distinguish easily between estimates.This means we must remember estimate numbers, or open each estimate one after another to remember what it was for. Tedious and slow, defeating the point of an app on the go. Search features ARE available in a web browser, but why should app users work without such a massive time saving feature?
Hi Lydia,
We certainly agree that the mobile apps should support the critical functionalities like the search option. The iOS app of Zoho Invoice indeed has a search option for each section, which you can make use of.
Kindly update the app to the latest version and let us know your feedback by writing an email to support[at]zohoinvoice[dot]com