Custom Invoice Filename
Add the ability to change the name of PDF that is sent to customer
In the email preview page (the page that appears when you hit the “Save and send” option), if you scroll down and click on the invoice PDF title, you’ll be able to change its name.
However, it’s not possible to automate the PDF filename such that the customer’s name appears after the invoice number. Sorry about that.
If you have any other queries, you can write to support[at]zohoinvoice[dot]com
Chuck commented
Until I can make the filenames at least have my company name in them I don't want to use the auto invoice feature because it seems very unprofessional to be sending people invoices with only numbers for a filename.
Seems silly that we have to vote on something like this. There is no valid argument against having this feature.
Troy commented
This is an important feature, im surprised it hasn't got a lot more votes.
I get at least one request a week to please use the customers purchase order number in the filename. As this is not currently possible, I can't use half the features of zoho because I have to download and manually change the pdf name and then manually email it to the correct person.This makes quite a lot of zoho's automation irrelevant as I cannot use it.
Please implement this simple feature asap, many may not realize its worth but if it was there I guarantee everyone would use it consistently.