Automatically enable Client Portal through CRM
Our company uses Zoho CRM and Zoho Invoice and they're integrated. It doesn't appear that there is an option to "enable client portal" through the CRM side. Therefore we have to create a contact in CRM and then go over to Zoho Invoice software and individually "enable" the clients portal. It would be ideal if we could enable the Client Portal through CRM or automatically "enable client portal" for all contacts in Zoho Invoice.
Thanks - Jon

Hello everyone,
Thank you for posting on our feedback forum.
By setting up an automation workflow in Zoho CRM, you can enable the client portal access for your contacts (in Zoho Invoice) as and when you create them in CRM.
Kindly drop an email to support[at]zohoinvoice[dot]com so that we can help you set it up.
Steven Pignataro commented
AMEN - please put this in. It is common sense.
This is adding overhead to our management that is unnecessary - especially if they are not around to turn it on. Which then creates lag in the sales process. We want people to be able to accept their estimates ASAP. Not a few days later. This keeps our sales flow faster.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put this in tomorrow.