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6785 results found

  1. Fix sorting by Journal number.

    It's not digit sensitive, so 9 is treated as greater than 26 for example. Makes it difficult to see the most recent journals .

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  2. option for packing and forwarding charges in Invoice

    As far Shipping Charges/Freight Charges, Packing and Forwarding Charges is also GST applicable, wherein, in your current software if you want GST to be calculated for Freight charges, Packing and Forwarding Charges it is not possible. We want that system should allow us to add Shipping / Freight Charges, Packing and Forwarding Charges after Sub Total and System should calculate GST/IGST on total Amount and Shipping, Packing & Forwarding Charges.

    If need more clarification, please call me on +91 9825406050

    7 votes
    2 comments  ·  Invoices  ·  Admin →
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  3. 7 votes
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  4. Please enable multi-currency in zoho books

    Please enable multi-currency in zoho books. we are facing problem when we are generating Estimates/Sales Order/Invoices it is taking Customer Currency only by default.

    If i want to give estimate to a customer in two different currencies here we are facing the problem.

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  5. We do not have an option of having the item custom field on the invoice while importing. We have taken a note of your requirement.

    While importing the invoice we do not have the option of mapping custom fields created by the user on the invoice.

    Even though the custom filed is created under preference>items , its not available while mapping the fields for an invoice.

    This is a must have.

    7 votes
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  6. User activity log

    Would be nice if we could see the activity of a user in a log.
    This will help rectifying conflicts in a multi user environment. For example an item or contact or document is deleted and multiple users had previliage to do that, it is not possible to know who did it

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  7. Connect Zoho Books to PayZen payment Gateway

    Integrate this payment platform to Zoho Books (cheaper than Stripe)

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  8. Checkbox to Mark Contact Persons as Primary & Active / Inactive

    Add a Checkbox in Contact Persons to Mark Contacts as Primary Contact & also a Checkbox to mark the Contact Persons as Active / Inactive which will stop all communication automatically to the inactive Contact Person.

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  9. Single customer payment reminder for all the unpaid invoices and not a reminder for each single one.

    If a customer have 10 unpaid invoices receive 10 single reminders, 1 for each invoice.
    It's much better to send a single reminder including the list of unpaid invoices and the statement or at least to attach the list of unpaid invoices and the statement to each single reminder.

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  10. Item Details - View Quantity Purchased

    When viewing an item details, under the purchases tab, it shows the PO#, Vendor, Expected Delivery Date, but DOES NOT show quantity purchased. This is a very important detail that is missing.

    EX: Item > Item Details > Purchases

    Quantity Purchased is MISSING!!!

    7 votes
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  11. please develop a software for a pos, retail sales as the features would be great for the same.

    if you would add a retailer's sales it would be realistic to use all the besides feature packed software like reports and accountants features

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  12. Will be That zoho Books can consolidate many organizations with differents currencies into one to one currencie.

    Will be That zoho Books can consolidate many organizations with differents currencies into one to one currencie.

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  13. Reward programmes for the customers

    so we can give reward points to our customers when they buy something from us

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  14. PayPal Business Payments Pending

    I am a bit agog that echeck payment from PayPal don't show as pending. As it is, I have to wait ten days to see if the payment is cleared, or go sift through my email / cross-reference with PayPal. I know it's possible for PayPal to send that information--they send it to Freshbooks. And if that's not something in the works, a temporary workaround would be to allow us to manually set the payment as pending. It's honestly ridiculous that this feature isn't already in place. It's my one major gripe with Zoho Books, and it's a pretty big…

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    7 votes
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  16. to add Bills of Material for Production, and issue to production RM & PM for making FG, so that we can use it for our manufacturing plant

    we would like to use this product for our manufacturing plant, the work flow
    Materila Inwd in Rm & PM stores---create FG----Create BOM for FG-----Issue RM & PM for Prodn-----Stock effect-----Materail eceipt in FG------increase stk of FG-----sale

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  17. Contra Entry for conversion from foreign currency (foreign currency account) to INR (INR account)

    Currently, we are unable to categorise or match, the conversion of foreign currency to INR ( actual bank transaction when I convert EUR to INR). There is a debit of EUR in EUR bank account and credit of INR in INR bank account. But unable to categorise or match in the bank account.

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  18. Partial Invoice for Zoho Projects

    When creating an Invoice for Zoho Projects, it forces a project bill for the entire project. This does not allow us to properly use this feature for large projects that have several stages over an extended period.

    For example, project is a multi-stage construction project over 8 months. Per standard terms, we complete 50% of our work, and bill 50% after 3 months. We are forced to create 2 separate projects as the integration stands right now for billing purposes. However, both projects are titled the same.

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  19. Advanced Filters for the Aging Details Report and Aging Summary Report

    Advanced Filters for the Aging Details Report and Aging Summary Report
    so we can view customize reports as per our requirement

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  20. Create integration with upwork

    Integrate with to pull in customer name, contacts, invoices, and payables.

    7 votes
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