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6817 results found

  1. Would like to be able to select MULTIPLE expenses from the expense section and invoice them at the same time

    Once you filter the expenses that are outstanding to be billed for a customer or project you can invoice them one at the time (which is no good). There is no option from this few to add outstanding ones. It would be great if one could select them and add them all in an invoice.

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  2. Enable multi zoho account in one mobile app

    I have multi zoho account for different business, and would like to ask if zoho book can have multi zoho account bundle (like in zoho mail) so I no need keep switch on and off for different account

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  3. billable expenses to be listed also with product during invoice creation

    When you choose to add the expenses to the invoice you can select and add only the expenses you want to associate with that invoice, but only defined by details, they could be of a number of mixed projects for that client, so impossible to say if you are adding the right ones. There is a project link too, but for me it only works if ALL the expenses within a the project are unbilled. If some expenses are left over from a project, they are listed together. Some more detail would be so useful to have so the selection…

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  4. The ability to add time activity to a client and not have to add a project profile.

    When logging in time I am forced to create a project, I think it would be easier to just add a client and make it billable to a project.

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  5. Ability to enter start date and end date by task

    We want custom field for each task . It is not possible to define total cost per task. Per task bill is based on time spent. Provision is required for lump sum per task

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  6. Integrate Zoho Book & Zoho Creator customers portal

    Integrate the client portal of Zoho Books & the Customer portal of Zoho Creator. It'd give to the customer ONLY ONE platform to manage everything.

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  7. hi!i am new member.

    Hi,. We have raised a site request for Punjab National Bank Corporate Login. We will update you once the full site gets developed and when ...

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  8. Add a toggle switch on the dashboard to hide sensitive information when necessary.

    A nice feature would be to be able to quickly blur the dashboard to hide sensitive information when someone enters the office.

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  9. show all access and transaction before and after to diana raymundo account and recent payment deposit

    in my account do the transaction payment and deposit
    payment unto my recent
    account show all transaction payment deposit.before and after and recently

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  10. show zoho book account and my status of my recent bank account

    show all recent transaction in my bank account and zoho book account.

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  11. search functionality should be able to search a string from the name of the product while adding in either "estimates" or "Invoices"

    I have a large number of products which i generally tend to forget the exact name that i have given into the system but remember part of it, when i am trying to add such item by typing the string that i remember the product/item does not populate in the drop-down. would greatly appreciate if you can fix this issue at the earliest

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    0 comments  ·  Invoices  ·  Admin →
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  12. Payzapp option

    We wanted a Payzapp option in the Payments tab along with the additional charges (of the Bank).

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  13. State Field

    When changing addresses in Zoho US the state field has moved. The standard format for addresses should be followed. Also for US addresses there is no comma between state and zip code. We do not have a comma in our format and yet because of Zoho coding a comma appears. It makes us look unprofessional.

    Contact Name
    Street Address
    Street Address optional line
    City, State Zip Code

    123 Main St
    New York, NY 00000

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  14. Paid Invoices GREEN Indicator

    I would like to see the INVOICED Blue circle in the Sales Order module turn GREEN when it is PAID. Right now when you combine Zoho Books and Zoho inventory, you have a VERY handy workflow indicator "invoiced" "packed" "shipped"

    When an order goes from shipped to delivered, the blue circle goes from Blue to Green.

    BUT when an order goes from Invoiced to Paid the circle is still BLUE.
    ALSO then the order goes from Packed to Shipped, the circle is still BLUE

    I have over 200 sales orders, and I have to click on every one to see…

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  15. have item description in inventory summary along with item name(number)

    have item description in inventory summary along with item name(number)

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  16. 1 vote

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  17. Well here is a crazy Idea! How about the help team actually providing useful answers!

    How about Zoho Hel[ Team actually answering customer request with useful replies? Instead of just sending irrelevant advice or "We are working on it, if we think its needed"

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  18. 2 warehouse in zoho book

    Need to add 2 warehouse in zoho book. its very easy to control

    2 warehouse inventory from single zoho book.
    At the time of create estimate/ invoice ask option for select warehouse name .

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  19. Invoice Exports/Imports need to include contacts

    When Exporting & Importing Invoices, the contacts associated with the invoice are not exported.
    If we export Draft invoices and import them back in, ALL contacts get ticked. Which is not what we want. We only want the ones that were ticked on the original Draft.
    So currently it has to be done manually one by one. This doesn't scale for large businesses where we are sending 200 plus invoices off in one day.
    For this reason we will need to switch to a different invoicing system.

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