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273 results found

  1. Vendor Code in Customer contact field with mapping with Retainer Invoice, Estimate, Sales Order & Invoice

    Most of customer gives Vendor Code to their suppliers which is Mandatory to be written on all commercial documents related to them.

    I would advise to create a field in Contact with Auto mapping with Retainer Invoice, Estimate, Sales Order, Invoice, Delivery Note, Packing Note and Account Statements.

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  2. grouping the customers based on a particular area/route and able to take item based sales summary based on this customer group

    In New Contact, please provide a provision in customer list to group the customers based on a particular area/route and also provide an option to take that customer group (area/route wise) sales summary (products) ie products names and its total numbers for the particular route/area.

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  3. I need to add more custom fields for contacts. why you limit this?

    I need to add more custom fields for contacts. why you limit this?
    why you limit with 15 or something!
    We cant use it more.

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  4. CUSTOMER > Overview > sales > TOTAL ????

    CUSTOMER > Overview > sales > TOTAL ????

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  5. Test features mode

    I created 2 fake contacts to test features before sending to actual clients. Now I can't delete them because of the "transactions"

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  6. Bulk email

    Please create a bulk greetings mail option. which help us to send an email to multi clients at once to convey a certain message. Like Festival Greetings, Offers, Discounts and many more things.

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  7. Group Contacts

    It would be nice to group contacts in categories by type of vendor, customer, project, etc.

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  8. Customer & Vendor Booth and We cant View SOA , in Statement of Account (All In One SOA ) .

    kindly we inform that ,if we have one Company as Customer & Vendor Booth and We cant View SOA , in Statement of Account (All In One SOA ) .

    If we working with a company as both Vendor and customer type , it could be useful if we can see statement of vendor and customer in one statement if there are linked

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  9. Allow Clients to view Sales Orders in their Client Portal

    Currently when a customer logs in through their client portal, they can see Estimates and Invoices. In my business, many clients keep asking about their orders and when they will complete, in my sales orders, we always update the "Expected Shipment Date" as the estimated completion date, but they cannot see their sales orders. Why not allow them to see their open sales orders as well as the other stuff?

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  10. Can we have the portal access for vendors too so that they can fill in their details

    Can we have the portal access for vendors too so that they can fill in their details

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  11. Custom Field Types - Include Image, File Attachment, Text Area

    Sure this would have many uses, though for me one of the biggest would be to enable these additional options within the client portal.

    They could be used for client specific terms and conditions, contracts, designs, allowing much more to be obtained by the client in the portal.

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  12. Separating Customer ID from Vendor ID

    When Adding custom field in contacts for customer ID or Vendor ID .

    and when i request it to be auto-generated . there is no way to separate Customer ID from Vendor ID and i have to but the both fields for the customer and the same for the vendor .

    Customer ID has different serial No. from Vendor ID .

    What is needed is to separate Customers from Vendors in Preferences to get this issue solved .

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  13. Combined single statement for entities who are both Vendor & Customer

    Need single statement covering all the transactions for entities who are both customer & vendor

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  14. Mandatory option for Mobile / Phone number

    This will let the user to key in the customer's Mobile / Phone number.

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  15. No Due Certificate

    We should have No due certificate option from Zoho, were we can provide NDC for our customers

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  16. Allow journal entry for customers of same group in addition to banking menu

    If customers are categorised as a group, ideal to allow journal entry of such customers in one voucher. Example . Credit note/payments of one customer of same group can be adjusted with the other customer of same group, or one customer's credit note can be adjusted by another customer (if within the same group)

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  17. Option to hide invoice from customer portal

    There should be a selection button on each invoice, that you can check the box if you want the invoice to be shown in customer portal. If not checked, it means the invoice will stay hidden until you select to check it.

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  18. Segmentation of accounts to user specific sales people to manage those accounts in say a different country or 3rd party distributor

    So I have a distributor in the United States which I would like to have a zoho books login. I want to segment my overall account details such as turnover and only have this information available thats specific to him/her.

    So when he or she logs in they can see the following:

    Which customers are allocated to them
    How many sales that customer has against their name
    How many pending, sent and outstanding invoices their are.
    Their overall turnover etc etc

    In roles and specific roles this cannot be done as I keep seeing when I log into a test…

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  19. Add the ability to make a custom field required for contacts.

    In Guatemala a NIT number is necessary to be able to claim a deduction. I would like to be able to make a custom field mandatory, and make it show up everywhere the contacts information is presented.

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  20. Set up the nominal account in the Customers/Vendors settings

    Default Nominal Account in Vendors/Customer

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