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1025 results found

  1. Factura Mexico - Integration to issue invoices with official government procedure

    Create an integration in order to be able to generate official invoices as Mexican Government requires CFDI

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  2. Please customize printing of invoices in Thermal Printer with 80mm width size roll paper

    Most of the small retailers in India are using thermal printers and paper roll of 80 mm width size. Please customize printing of invoices in different formats like 80 mm width roll paper type. It would be of great use.

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  3. Unit of measurement

    after Quantity there should be UOM (Unit Of Measurement) Column to mention the quantity is nos or meter or Square meter or Lot. Presently nothing is there

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  4. include an option for interest and fee charges where payments are late (over 60 days past due)

    Add the facility to add interest on any bill over 60 days past due, and at the appropriate interest rate.

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  5. flexible search option in the field 'customer name'

    while generating invoice, it should search customer name extensively. We are in a business of N number of customer dealing. for e.g. if the customer name is Dr Ajay wakhloo, it accepts the search only if we type Dr aj..... but if we search straight by wakhloo it will not show the name. Kindly advise what to do with it, since we have many a customer and searching a customer name by the way its been fed is very tough. Kindly advise.

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  6. Calculation of multiple Commissions per Sales Line Item or per Invoice Total

    Allow the possibility of allocation of a Salesman code per Sales Line Item , whole Order, Subscription and per customer/subscriber.
    - Calculation number one would be done for an individual Order or Line item according to the line item or order code. The Line Item Salesman would override any Order based Salesman.
    - A second calculation would be based on the Customer/Subscriber allowing for a second commission to be calculated for one order line.

    Calculations would be accrued at invoicing time with payments being generated on receipt of payment.
    A matrix would define the calculation based on either Product Code…

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  7. Allow staff hours be billed as days

    Currently i have to calculate an hourly rate and ensure my staff put in correct billable/nonbillable hours. I would like to charge a client based on a daily rate rather than hourly. We should be allowed configure what a "working day" is e.g. = 7.5hours. And then if staff put in this in their timesheets we invoice a day, if they put in 3.75hours, a half day etc.

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  8. Add reoccurring RETAINER Invoices

    It would be great if you could also create reoccurring RETAINER invoices too, most of my big projects are on monthly retainers that I bill against, especially when integrating with zoho projects this makes it even better, but without the ability to create reoccurring retainer invoices I have to do them all manually

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  9. We need Zoho Point of Sales

    We need Zoho Point of Sales

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  10. Deposit Invoices

    After the client accepts an estimate or quote, we need the option to invoice for just a specified partial payment (or deposit).This way the client may pay the deposit invoice and we can invoice for the remaining balance at a later date.

    Currently, we've added a custom field for Deposit Amount and ask the client to make a partial payment for that amount. But, it's confusing for our clients and sometimes they accidentally pay the total amount.Plus, it shows as though the client hasn't paid the correct amount and the invoice is late. This is frustrating and unprofessional.

    I see…

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  11. Electronic invoicing

    The Greek government voted a new law that wants all companies that issue invoices to comply with the new regulations for electronic invoicing.

    This law requires online connection of the ERP systems with the Greek IR (electronic invoicing). Are you aware of this issue? Can you help us with this implementation?

    Below some links that may help you.

    This is the official website of the Greek "Independent Authority for Public Revenue" referring to electronic invoicing:

    They also have a website for developers. They say that they have created an API for the developers of ERP systems


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  12. Add QR Code for easy payment

    Special QR Codes called Girocodes are becoming the standard in Europe, see It would be great to add an option to show the QR code on the invoice template.

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  13. have a feature to view invoices associated with a certain price list category or a sort option to view all invoices under that price list.

    My business is using 4 PRICE LIST categories: SRP, special price, dealer price, and distributor price. I need to view the recent invoices associated to the SPECIAL PRICE category because I had a feeling that only a few customers is currently availing that price list. We're looking at making it inactive. I want to see for myself and not just base it on a hunch. But there is no option to check that. Kindly have that feature please.

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  14. Add chinese/japanese/korean character support for Noto Sans font

    Noto Sans CJK supports additional character sets. It would be convenient to have a single invoice template for all languages.

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  15. More details of activity on an invoice (similar to Freshbooks)

    Every activity on an invoice (credit card charged, credit rejected, invoice sent, etc) should be listed in a history area for each invoice. This is similar to what you see in Freshbooks here:

    As part of this I also suggest the following general codes to be shown (and color coded for easier viewing):

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  16. Allow the Timesheet Export option to export just the filtered rows

    When you are in the Timesheet view and you are viewing "All Timesheets" it would be great to allow the "Export Timesheet" option to adhere to the current filter criteria so that you can export one months worth of timesheets (or some other option)

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  17. Show the last time selling price for the chosen customer

    When making new seles transaction (Invoice or Estimate..etc) it's useful to show last time selling price for the chosen customer.

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  18. job progress invoice

    its must needed feature for all construction companies.

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  19. Mark SO as invoiced

    I'd like to be able to mark an SO manually as invoiced.

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  20. 19 votes

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