Payroll Options
Would like to see a payroll service implemented; Maybe not a true payroll but at least the ability of tracking payments to employees without making them a vendor.
Anonymous commented
Highly recommended
Anonymous commented
Stan Stanson commented
Zoho is beta testing in California
For all the rest of you asking for Zoho to work on it, they are, it takes time to get things right. Every state, country and region has their own rules that they have to account for and implement.
Also, if you haven't already noticed as with all large platforms that are missing, you can at the very least integrate the software you are currently using.
Many of you are acting entitled as if Zoho needs to provide you with every feature under the sun and that it should implement features faster than humanly possible. Go work in a development environment and see how brutal it is to take on and implement a small subset of the massive undertaking that Zoho has created already.
They are creating an empire and Rome wasn't built in a day
RJ commented
So this is the top item. Why is ZOHO not doing it? Please explain. You are working on other issues with 4 votes. Like really.
Anonymous commented
dear i know you dont get everything in one software but the module employee and their pay slip should be a basic one. i have done many research on every software the ides of employee and pay slip is been fairly justify in Managerio software. kindly check in that we all need that feature. currently i am just using the tag option for making pay slip, it doesnt look professional
John Lane commented
With no fanfare or any notification that I saw, on 12/06/2018 I noticed that the payroll expenses that I batch post as manual journals are now recognized as expenses in the "Your Top Expenses" pie chart on the Dashboard. Thank you, Zoho, but why did it take so long? It doesn't really matter, I'm just happy that this shortcoming has finally been corrected.
Now I won't have to dance around the issue when a client asks me why the pie chart doesn't show the payroll expense as one of the top expenses. This one small thing is a big step forward and it makes the software more credible and useful.
John Legg commented
My understanding is that Zoho are working actively on Payroll and are trialling in in the USA at the moment.
The problem is that every country has its own system for managing payroll and this needs to be taken into account by Zoho. This is a huge project.
John Lane commented
It is unbelievable--and a smack in the face to paying customers--that Zoho developers will not focus on this and add a payroll feature to Zoho Books when almost 2,000 votes have accumulated so far. If you don't have the technical savvy to program a full payroll module, at least make it so we can manually post a batch payroll entry in a manner that will be seen as an expense on the Dashboard in the "Your Top Expenses" pie chart. As it is today--and has been for YEARS!!!--I have to post the payroll through a general journal entry. And the expenses associated with the payroll are ignored on the dashboard because of a shortsighted programming decision.
I personally have been asking--and waiting--for this feature for years. For years! How much longer before Zoho listens to its customers and makes this a priority? I'm just about ready to move on to Xero and leave Zoho Books back in the stone age where it belongs. I can't efficiently serve my bookkeeping clients with your software due to such limitations and I'm now down to having just one client on Zoho Books. The clock is running out.
John Legg commented
I have managed without a Payroll feature in the UK but cannot wait any longer.
When will Zoho be adding Payroll for the UK version?
JohnP commented
Not only do we need Payroll but also the ability to include PAYG in Quarterly BAS Report (W1 - W4)
as well as the T1 - T9 Income Tax Instalment - Your BAS Implementation completely ignores these vital components.I would suggest that omitting these Tax codes would make your product Non-ATO Compliant?
Fauzi commented
How many votes do you need to implement that features? We need payroll features.. we need payroll features.. we need payroll features.. yea haa!!
simone commented
That would be a great idea. we want this as well
Anonymous commented
Yes! Payroll (for NH) would be amazing; we're limping by without it for now....
NH is just like Texas (no state taxes), so it should be easy to copy & implement! PLEASE -
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Please If possible in need payroll feature on ZOHO BOOK (Tanzanian format)
JJ Smal commented
Which countries/State payroll?
Yasser Awad commented
Adding the payroll will gain Zoho Books leverage and it is a big leap for an improved Accounting system
Tanea Edwards commented
needed asap
Patrick commented
Payroll solution needed super urgently!!!!!!!!!!
Rashed Al-Yemni commented
Must add the feature soon or many users won't prefer to proceed using Books. Either payroll & compensation feature where wages with their details are linked to the proper cost centers automatically by setting the initial payroll details then run the payroll automatically after entering the month to month updates, or enable it to be manual entry. both cases, payroll and payments to employees shall be added and better if it is done in ZoHo people and linked to accounts.