For me it would be perfect if i could customize my dashboard. For example, i don't need report for billable hours and i would replace it.
For me it would be perfect if i could customize my dashboard. For example, i don't need report for billable hours and i would replace it.

Ebonie Laumea commented
Привіт усім! Працюю над стратегією крауд-маркетингу для свого бренду, і застряг на питанні, як правильно визначити свою цільову аудиторію. Адже важливо не просто розміщувати посилання, а робити це там, де їх побачить саме та аудиторія, яка зацікавлена у вашому продукті чи послузі. Нещодавно знайшов корисну статтю, яка допомогла мені з розумінням цього питання: У ній детально розповідається, як сегментувати аудиторію і на що звернути увагу, щоб зробити крауд-маркетинг максимально ефективним. Хто вже має досвід у цьому? Буду вдячний за поради та ідеї!
Pevin Kura commented
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Serj Ante commented
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Kolton A commented
This is a much needed update and would solve one my biggest complaints. There is so much wasted time getting into sales list. Minimum of two clicks just to look at the customer list. Dashboard needs options for one click access to customers, invoices, estimates, etc. I know that clicking "receivables" pulls up open invoices, but I'd like a dedicated button for each.
Conor commented
We can't wait for this feature to come out!
Nik Vorfi commented
Dashboard customisation should be a standard feature! Most software will allow you to choose what you want to see on your dashboard and what order you wish to have.
Anonymous commented
Is there any update on this??????
Anonymous commented
Does ZOHO ave any update for us on this??? Request was made 4 years ago....
Anonymous commented
This is a MUST. We would like our sales team to access elements of the dashboard - sales module only
Anonymous commented
Dashboard is great, but it needs to be customized by user type. We want to restrict some users to sales only and not be able to see expenses, banks, etc..
I agree with previous comments this is a MUST -
Marie-Andrée Giroux commented
It would be great to have customize view by users
Anonymous commented
It would be nice to have purchase orders Approved but unbilled in aging buckets and Unapproved in aging buckets also.
Raja Selarka commented
Yes, this is needed badly as there are many reports available on dashboard but I need some more important reports than what is available.
Rishi commented
Customization and movable grid like dashboard with reports would be very good.
Nicolas commented
This is a must! Please update this ASAP!
Rodney commented
Dashboard, filters and views. CRM is very customizable. Books is not. Way behind times compared to CRM.
Bill Lyon commented
Agreed. Much of what displays on the Dashboard now it not what I need to see.
- commented
Yes, even if a list of 'favorites' for reports (another feature would like to see) would show up on dashboard. Each user should be able to customize their dashboard for tasks they use on a frequent basis. For instance, I would like to see "Aging Summary" instead of the current widget for receivables.